Purpose The purpose of this report is to enable end users to perform databasequeries. By means of this report, end users can search for employees whohave (or lack) certification or licensing within specific areas. Prerequisites Before you may execute this report, employees must exist in the systemwith Certification and Licensing> infotype (0795) records.Selection Under Period>, enter the time period during which you wishemployees to be selected. Under Selection>, specify the organizational criteria to whichemployees must belong. Under Certificates/Licenses>, enter the desired selection criteriafor the corresponding certificates or licenses. Under Areas>, enter the desired selection criteria for thecorresponding areas.Output The output of this report is displayed as a tree structure in SAP ListViewer format. The results of the report list all employees who werefound to meet the specified criteria. For each employee in this list,the certificates and licenses are displayed, along with thecorresponding areas. Example Suppose you work in an educational institution, for which you areresponsible for administering teacher certificates. To this end, youwish to locate employees who have certificates or licenses that wereissued by the National Board for Professional Teaching Standards(NBPTS). (Assume you have configured your issuing authorities to definethe NBPTS as authority NB>.) To this end, on the selection screen, under Certificates/Licenses >, enter value NB> in the Issuing authority> field, thenexecute the report. Now suppose you wish to locate employees who have certificates orlicenses that expire after 12/31/2004. To this end, on the selection screen, under Certificates/Licenses >, choose function button @1F@ adjacent to the End date> inputfield. In the Single val> list, specify value 01/01/2005>,then specify @25@. |