Purpose The purpose of this report is to ascertain whether employees of yourenterprise are working "out-of-field" - that is, without the appropriatelicensing or certification. Prerequisites Before you may execute this report, employees must exist in the systemwith Certification and Licensing> infotype (0795) and DutyAssignments> infotype (0796) records. While employee duty assignments are stored in the latter infotype,employee certificates and licenses are stored in the former infotype. Tolink these two infotypes, the system employs codes>, which areconfigured in Customizing for Payroll USA> (PY-US) by choosingSupplements Public Sector US> -> Certification and Licensing > -> Settings> -> Areas> -> Define Codes>. Thereforebefore you may execute this report, you are obligated to have performedthe appropriate settings in the Customizing step named above. Finally, if you wish to implement the Business Add-In (BAdI) deliveredwith this report, you are required to perform the following procedurebefore you may execute this report. Extend structure T5UPBSTC_OOF> by creating customer includeCI_T5UPBSTC_OOF>. Add fields to this customer include as required. Implement Business Add-In HRPBSUSTC02>. To this end, chooseSupplements Public Sector US> -> Certification and Licensing > -> Business Add-Ins (BAdIs)> -> BAdI: OverrideOut-of-Field>. Within method CHECK_OUT_OF_FIELD> of BAdI HRPBSUSTC01>,implement your own checks as required. Populate the structureT5UPBSTC_OOF> by specifying the appropriate value for the fieldout_of_field>.Features This report can be executed as many times as you require. Selection In addition to standard period and personnel selection criteria, thereport selection screen consists of the Duty Assignment> field, inwhich you specify the duty assignment (or range of duty assignments)that the report shall review to identity employees who are working"out-of-field."Output The output of this report is displayed as a tree structure in SAP ListViewer format. The results of the report are grouped within the treestructure by four categories, described below. RESET N1 Out-of-field The first category displays employees who have Duty Assignments>infotype (0796) records, but who lack the appropriate licenses orcertificates in the Certification and Licensing> infotype (0795). In-field The second category displays employees who have Duty Assignments>infotype (0796) records and> the appropriate licenses orcertificates in the Certification and Licensing> infotype (0795). Undetermined The third category displays employees who have Duty Assignments>infotype (0796) records, but for whom the system cannot determinewhether they work in-field or out-of-field. Usually, employees arereported in this category because Customizing is not complete. Without duty assignment The fourth category displays employees who have no Duty Assignments > infotype (0796) records.Activities RESET N1 Enter the appropriate period and personnel selection criteria. Specify, in the corresponding field(s), the duty assignment(s) to bereviewed. Execute the report. In response, the report will review all selected employees to determinewhether they have Duty Assignments> infotype (0796) records. Forthose employees that do, the report will check their Certificationand Licensing> infotype (0795) records and ascertain that they haveproper certification and licensing during the specified time period forthe specified duty assignment(s). If more than one code is associated with the same duty assignment, thenthe report will cease searching after finding the first code for whichvalid certification exists.Example Suppose you work in an educational institution, for which you areresponsible for administering teacher certificates. To this end, youintend to execute this report for the period from 01/01/2004> to12/31/2004>, during which: RESET N1 Teacher A has no duty assignment; Teacher B has one duty assignment, from 07/01/2004 to 12/31/2004, toteach mathematics for level K-12. However, during this period, Teacher Bonly has one certificate on file, for physics. Teacher C has one duty assignment, from 01/01/2004 to 12/31/2004, toteach mathematics for level K-12. Teacher C also has a certificate onfile that allows him to perform this assignment. However, thiscertificate is scheduled to expire on 06/30/2004. Teacher D has one duty assignment, from 01/01/2004 to 12/31/2004, toteach mathematics for level K-12. Teacher D also has a certificate onfile that allows her to perform this assignment from 01/01/2001 to12/31/2005. RESET N1 Upon executing this report for these teachers, the following resultswill be displayed. Teacher A is shown to have No Duty Assignment>. Teacher B is Out-of-field>. Teacher C is Out-of-field>. Teacher D is In-field>. |