Purpose In certain situations, end users may wish to compare the requirements ofa position with the qualification(s) corresponding to the code(s) storedin the Certification and Licensing> infotype (0795) for the personholding that position. While an array of profile match-up reports aredelivered with the standard system to fulfill this purpose, thecorresponding qualifications must be available before these reports maybe used. Therefore, the purpose of the present report is to create suchqualifications on the basis of employee data stored in theCertification and Licensing> infotype (0795). Upon executing this report, the system will create entries in a datasetfile that corresponds to the qualifications of employees. Eachqualification entry corresponds to the code stored for employees in theCertification and Licensing> infotype (0795) record. {For moreinformation about these codes, or to configure them, chooseSupplements Public Sector US> -> Certification and Licensing > -> Settings> -> Areas> -> Define Codes> inCustomizing for Payroll USA> (PY-US).} The qualification group, inturn, corresponds to the classification stored for employees in theCertification and Licensing> infotype (0795) record. {For moreinformation about these classifications, or to configure them, chooseSupplements Public Sector US> -> Certification and Licensing > -> Settings> -> Areas> -> Define Classifications>in Customizing for Payroll USA> (PY-US).} Finally, the mapping ofcodes and classifications (in Personnel Administration) toqualifications and qualification groups, respectively (in PersonnelDevelopment) is accomplished automatically by executingreport RPUTCPU0_PBS>. The present report does not create employee qualifications directly.Rather, it only writes entries that represent qualifications to adataset file. Therefore, after executing the present report, you mustsubsequently run Legacy Data Transfer> (report RHALTD00) to readthe dataset and create the corresponding qualifications within thesystem.Prerequisites Before you may execute this report, employees must exist in the systemwith Certification and Licensing> infotype (0795) records thatfeature at lease one code. Moreover, you are required to have completedthe required settings in Customizing for Payroll USA> (PY-US) bychoosing Supplements Public Sector US> -> Certification andLicensing> -> Integration with Personnel Development> andperforming all activities located therein.Note By performing all of the Customizing activities named here, you will infact execute report RPUTCPU0_PBS, and thereby map your codes andclassifications to qualifications and qualification groups,respectively. Selection The selection screen of the present report enables users to enterstandard period and personnel selection criteria. The report selectionscreen also enables users to specify the name of the dataset file thatis generated by the report for subsequent use in Legacy DataTransfer> (report RHALTD00). On the report selection screen of Legacy Data Transfer>, the samedataset file name entered here is specified as the input file name. Inaddition to specifying this input file, enter input file type L>(Logical file name), session name PD> and mode B> (Batchinput). Upon making these entries, you will be prepared to executeLegacy Data Transfer>.Activities Enter the appropriate period and personnel selection criteria. Specify the name of the dataset file that will be generated by thereport for subsequent use in Legacy Data Transfer> (reportRHALTD00). Execute the report. In the report output screen, review the error log by selecting the @03@function button from the application toolbar. If required, correct anyerrors, then execute the report again until all errors are resolved. Note> Error log @03@ summarizes all errors derived from items indicated by@GI@ on the report output screen. Errors from individual items denotedby @GI@ can also be viewed by double-clicking on the item itself. Itemswithout errors are indicated by @E4@. Once the output of the present report contains no errors, executeLegacy Data Transfer> (report RHALTD00) from the applicationtoolbar of the report output screen. To this end, choose thecorresponding function button. Once the execution of Legacy Data Transfer> is complete, executetransaction PPPD> to confirm the accuracy of the newly createdemployee qualifications. |