Purpose The purpose of this report is to transfer the classifications and codesconfigured within Personnel Administration to qualification groups andqualifications respectively, to be stored in Personnel Development. Integration By executing this report, you enable the system to perform the requiredintegration of data in Personnel Administration with PersonnelDevelopment data. Prerequisites Before you may execute this report, it is imperative that you customizeyour system settings - particularly your classifications, areas, levels,and codes - for Certification and Licensing. In Customizing forPayroll USA> (PY-US), customize these settings by choosingSupplements Public Sector US> -> Certification and Licensing > -> Settings> -> Areas>. Also, to prepare for the execution of this report, you must select aplan version. By default, this report selects the current active planversion for this purpose. To learn more about plan versions, or to set adifferent active plan version, choose Global Settings in PersonnelManagement> -> Plan Version Maintenance> -> Set Active PlanVersion> in Customizing for Personnel Management> (PA). Finally, in order to generate a qualification group from eachclassification you have customized, this report requires a correspondingScale ID. You are therefore required to have maintained this Scale ID.To do so, choose Personnel Development> -> Master Data> ->Edit Scales> in Customizing for Personnel Management> (PA).Note We strongly recommend that you define your scale(s) in a binary fashion- for example, with the characteristic values Certified> andNot Certified> - because from the perspective of issuingauthorities, an individual is either certified (or licensed) to performa duty, or not certified (or licensed). We therefore do not recommendthe use of percentile or other numeric scales.Features This report can be executed as many times as you require. However, asstated above, it is imperative that you customize your system settingsfor Certification and Licensing before you execute this report. Selection The report selection screen consists of the following elements.
- Scale ID>
An entry in this field is required. All possible values can be displayed , if necessary, in a corresponding dropdown list. In response, thereport will read the Scale ID specified on the selection screen, thenchoose the highest proficiency value.
- Test Mode>
By default, this checkbox is active before the report is executed,meaning that no database updates will occur, and no qualification groupsor qualifications will be generated within Personnel Development. If youwish to generate qualification groups and qualifications withinPersonnel Development - and thereby update your database - thende-select this checkbox before you execute the report.Output The output of this report is displayed as a tree structure in SAP ListViewer format. The tree structure is grouped by classification (that is,qualification group), with the qualification group object ID displayedaccordingly. Each line of the report output reflects the correspondingclassification (qualification group), qualification group object ID,code (that is, classification, area, and level), qualification, andqualification object ID. Example Suppose you work in an educational institution, for which you areresponsible for administering teacher certificates. To this end, youhave performed the following Customizing settings.
- Classification ACAD> with the description Academic>
Area MATH> with the description Mathematics> Level 01> with the description K to 5> Level 02> with the description 6 to 12> Level 03> with the description K to 12> With classification ACAD>, you have defined the following codes.
- MA01> for area MATH> at level 01>
- MA02> for area MATH> at level 02>
- MA03> for area MATH> at level 03>
Upon executing this report, one qualification group and threequalifications will be generated in Personnel Development; all of theseobjects will displayed as a tree structure in SAP List Viewer format. Under qualification group Academic (ACAD)>, the qualificationsMathematics K to 5>, Mathematics 6 to 12>, andMathematics K to 12> will appear in the report output with theircorresponding object IDs.