Same as SIMG OHAGB_P11D_003Title Conversion of Specifications of Evaluation Class 11 to Cumulation WageTypes Purpose As of the tax year 2000, evaluation class 11 is no longer used incalculations for the P11D Form Expenses and Benefits>. Therefore,in order to generate data for the P11D Form in the tax year 2000,evaluation class 11 should not be selected for the relevant wage types. You do not need to manually deselect the indicator on evaluation class11, as running this conversion report automatically performs this taskfor you. You can check the results of the conversion in the view clusterVC_596A_D. See in the IMG Payroll Great Britain: End-of-YearProcessing -> Reporting P11D Expenses and Benefits Form ->Maintain Wage Types for P11D Cumulation WageTypes >>(VC_596A_D).Features Activities Execute the report. You then have four options:
- Set the indicator for Test run >to run this conversion report in
test mode. The system displays the wage types with evaluation class 11.It also indicates the cumulation wage type for subapplication P11D intowhich they will be converted. If you select this option, all otherindicators that you have set are ignored.
- To ensure that all entries in the table Assignment of Wage Types to
Cumulation WTs> (V_T596J) are up-to-date, set the indicatorDelete old entries>. Setting and executing this indicator deletesthe old entries for the cumulation wage type for subapplication P11D inthe table T596J. It then updates the table with the new cumulation wagetypes. This function is not possible in test mode.
- Set the indicator Delete assignment of EvClass 11 >to delete the
evaluation class 11 assignment for wage types in the table WageType Maintenance> (V_512W_D) after the conversion is complete. Thedefinition of evaluation class 11 will remain. This function is notpossible in test mode.
- Set the indicator Delete definition of EvClass 11 >to delete the
evaluation class 11 assignment for wage types in the table WageType Maintenance> (V_512W_D) after the conversion is complete. Thedefinition of evaluation class 11 will also be deleted for all wagetypes in the tables T512W, T52D4, and T52DB. This function is notpossible in test mode. After setting the respective indicator as described above, chooseExecute>.