SAP Program RPUSWFG0 - School Work Force Census

This report allows School Work Force data to be extracted in a CSV fileformat that is supported by the DCSF's CSV -> XML file conversion tool.Once converted to XML file format the data in the the XML file(s) canthen be loaded up manually into the DCSF's COLLECT system when you havelogged into the COLLECT system.
The CSV -> XML file conversion kit can be down loaded from theTeacherNet website.

The first step in this process is trying to work out how much data (ifany) you will be taking from your SAP HR/Payroll system and whichemployees you will be taking this data for.
The School Work Force Census consists of the following sets of data;

  • Staff,,,,,,(required if any of the other modules are being sent)

  • Contract,,,,(Changes in the last 4 months + Spring Census only: all
  • employees active on Census Date)
    • Payment,,,,(Spring Census only: Payments made in the previous calendar
    • year)
      • Absence,,,,(Spring Census only: Payments made in the previous calendar
      • year)
        • Staff Information ,,(Spring Census only)

        • Occasional Staff Head Count,,,,,,(Numbers of Qualified/Unqualified/NotKnown)
          Vacancy,,,,,,,,,,,,(Vacancies in each school)
          Agency/Third Party Staff Head Count,,,,(Numbers per Role in each school)
          o,,Curriculum,,,,(Autumn Census only)
          o,,Qualification,,,,(Autumn Census only)
          So you will need to perform a data mapping exercise to ensure that youknow where all the relevant data included in the census is being held.Curriculum data is not held in SAP so for the Autumn Census at least youwill need to a "partial" return. A "partial" return is where data issourced from more than one systems, it is not where the data for aschool is sent in two parts. The DCSF do not allow customer to send somedata for one school in one file and then the rest in another file. If acustomer were to do this the data sent first would be overwritten by theby the data sent second.
          The SWF solution provided by SAP does try to support customers that wishto perform a "complete" return (even in Autumn) by providing databasetables that can be populated with data which will then be picked up andsent. It is not expected that many customers will attempt this asloading data into SAP would require that the data was matched to thecorrect Personnel Number to make certain that the rest of the data wasmatched up with the correct employee.
          It is our expectation that;
          • a) ALL customers will return one file (Type 3: Centrals) every census.

          • b) customers that pay their schools on SAP will return one file per
          • school (Types 2: Schools complete data) for the Spring and SummerCensus, but will return one file per school (Types 1b: Schools partialdata) for the Autumn Census.
            • c) customers that do not pay their schools on SAP will

            • EITHER return one file per school (Types 1b: Schools partial data) forany data that they do want to take from SAP and the rest of the datawill be taken from their Schools system (i.e. SIMMS)
              OR return no data from SAP at all
              So deciding upon the File Types that you will end up extracting is thefirst step to running this report.
              The second step in this process is trying to work ensure that the datayou wish to take from SAP is in a suitable state.
              a) If you wish to take data from each school's MIS system (i.e. SIMMS)that data must be in a clean and consistent state).
              b) If you wish to take data from SAP then you will need to populate thenew SWF census infotypes;
              ,,SWF Census Staff Details infotype (3215) - mandatory for all teachingstaff included in the Census
              ,,SWF Census Contract Details infotype (3216) - mandatory all staffincluded in the Census
              ,,SWF Census Qualification Details infotype (3217) - optional*
              *Obviously, you may not wish to extract qualifications data from SAP andif you do not then you will not have to populated the new SWF CensusQualification Details infotype (3217). Equally, you may wish to takequalifications data from SAP, but already hold that information inPersonnel Development (PD), in which case you can either populate theSWF Census Qualification Details infotype (3217) in time for the AutumnCensus from your PD data (i.e. via a Batch Input Session or you can usethe Qualifications BADI within the SWF Census report to read in your PDdata.
              c) If you wish just to perform a "partial" return from SAP, then eventhough the Minimum Data Set is allowed, it is still necessary to knowthe employee's "Employment Type" to be able to extract any other datamodules. "Employment Type" is derived from the fields in the SWF CensusContract Details infotype (3216). This means that all staff exceptcentrals (as they are always "Employment Type" 4: Other Support Staff)must have a SWF Census Contract Details infotype (3216) to have theirdata returned.

              You will need to have all your data in a clean and consistent state,filled all the necessary infotypes, performed all the necessarycustomizing steps and implemented any BADIs that are necessary for thereport to correctly read your specific implementation of SAP'sHR/Payroll solution.

              o,,Selection Tab
              -,,Select the employees for whom you want to run the report.
              -,,The date selection options are not provided as they are hard-codedwithin the report as follows;
              -,,All employees that match the selection fields between the CurrentStart of Continual Assessment Date and the Current Census Date
              SPRING: All employee data in the previous year up to the Spring CensusDate
              SUMMER: All employee data in the current year up to the Summer CensusDate
              AUTUMN: All employee data in the current year up to the Autumn CensusDate
              o,,Census Date tab
              -,,Select the Return Year and the Return Term
              The system generates the following details according to the term thatyou specify.
              For term type 1,,(Spring) ,,Staff, Contract, Payment, Absence, Vacancyand Staff Information
              For term type 2 ,,(Summer) ,,Staff, Contract
              For term type 3 ,,(Autumn),,Staff, Contract, Curriculum andQualification.
              o,,Processing Steps Tab
              Select any one of the following:
              -,,Generation,,,,Select this option to fill the data modules you haveselected
              -,,Maintenance,,,,Select this option to display and edit the datamodules you have selected in the ALV.
              -,,Extraction,,,,Select this option to extract any data modules that youhave populated with data.