Purpose Use this report to update or delete information on Superannuation choicefunds from the Table for Superannuation SuperChoices> (T5QSC).When you maintain an employee's Superannuation fund record inSuperannuation Aust. >infotype (0220), the system reads Tablefor Superannuation Super Choices> table (T5QSC) and defaults the preor post tax fund details.Selection Fund Information> Enter the following details for the fund:
- Fund Code>
- Fund Name>
- Superannuation Australian Business Number>
- Superannuation Fund Number,, >
- Superannuation Product Identification Number>
Upload Options> Besides the selection screen options, the report can also obtain fundinformation from a text or excel file. To obtain information from anexternal source, enter the path to the file in the File Path>field. You should maintain the fund information within the files in thefollowing format:
- Fund Code> can consist of four characters
- Super Australian Business Number> should consist of fourteen
- Fund Number> should consist of eleven digits
- Begin and end date as DD/MM/YYYY
- Super Product Identification Number >can consist of twenty digits
Note If you are uploading fund information from a file, ensure that the filesdo not have a title (header). For a text file, separate the fund details with a Tab. Example 000,,SCF1,,31.12.9999,,01.07.2006,,SUPERCHOICE FUND1,,12345678900000,, 12345678900 SPIN CODE Deletion> To delete a fund, specify the details of the fund on the selectionscreen or enter the path to the file where the information is present. You must also choose Delete >in the Uploading Options>section.Activities You can access the report using the transaction PC00_M13_SWCQ. Enter the relevant selection criteria. To execute the report, choose Program >-> Execute>.