The HI fund category is determined using a conversion table. An 'X' in column IT0013 means that the HI fund is used in the SocialInsurance infotype (0013). An 'X' in the column T5D4R means that the HI fund is entered as areceiving office for DEUEV notifications in table T5D4R. An 'X' in the column KVPSK means that the HI fund is indicated as apayee fund for reporting in T5D11. IT0013,,T5D4R,,KVPSK,,Category,, X,,X,,X,,2,, X,,X,, ,,1,, X,, ,,X,,5,, X,, ,, ,,1,, ,,X,,X,,2,, ,,X,, ,,2,, ,, ,,X,,2,, ,, ,, ,,1,, In addition, the tables that contain the bank details for the HI funds(T5D1K) and the insurance institutions (T5D1H), are expanded to includethe method of payment. Therefore, you must not enter the method ofpayment parameter when starting the EDI preliminary program for the HIfunds. The fixed payment method 'U' (Bank Transfer) is entered. Previously, you could only specify one contribution fund with itspercentages per personnel area/subarea. However, this practice hasshown that you must differentiate by HI fund categories. Therefore, thetable in the key has been expanded to include the HI fund categoryfield, and the existing entries in table T5D1A have been copied withall existing HI fund categories. |