Purpose This program converts table COSTS (PC2X0), which is part of payrollcluster (PCL2), from the Data Dictionary definition that was presentbefore loading Note 821847 to the Data Dictionary that is present afterloading note 821847. This is only necessary if you use the new HRforms solution tointerrogate your payroll results. Integration This program can be run many times in update mode. Payroll Results thathave already been processed will be by-passed during subsequent runs. Prerequisites You have loaded the note which includes this conversion program orapplied the changes manually. Selection Convert only for Records>: Choose the records you wish to convertor leave this field blank to convert ALL records. The PCL2 record keysare as follows; "PPPPPPPPSSSSS " Where PPPPPPPP is the employee number (i.e. PERNR) SSSSS is the sequence number of the payroll result (i.e.CDSEQ) To convert just the records of employee number 1, then enter thefollowing from and to values From:,,0000000100001 To:,,0000000199999 Conversion only to date>: Set this to the date that Note 821847was applied to the environment (system) that you are currently runningthe conversion program. This date is defaulted to 31.12.9999, you willbe able to choose an earlier date. (If you leave the field empty norecords will be converted.) Test Run>: Change the defaulted value from 'X' to space when youwish to run a "live" run and actually update the database. Once a recordhas been run in "live" mode it will not be re-convert by this program,the ABAP dump that would occur is "caught" and the record is by-passed. Version record not updated>: Change the defaulted value from 'X'to space if, during a "live" run, you wish to update the VERSIONstructure with the following data. VERSION-SAPRL = SY-SAPRL. (i.e. system release) VERSION-NUMBER = NEW_VERSION. (i.e. no change) VERSION-UNAME = SY-UNAME. (i.e. User id of person runningthe program) VERSION-DATUM = SY-DATUM. (i.e. System Date stamp) VERSION-UZEIT = SY-UZEIT. (i.e. System Time stamp) VERSION-PGMID = 'RPUSTRCL_COSTS'. However, there is no need to update the Version record as all of thisdata is available in the payroll structure called "PCL2", which isalready updated when the program is run in "live" mode.Activities 1) If you are running this program in 2006 (or later) please ENSUREthat > a) GB CUSTOMERS: the IMPORT/EXPORT macros defined inRPUSTRRG_COSTS process ALL of the GB payroll tables. The"standard" definition of the GB payroll IMPORT/EXPORT macros are definedin the include HGBPAYMACRO.> As at 31.10.2005, the last International tableimported/exported is CODIST and the last GB tableimported/exported is MSAX, but others may havebeen added later.> If RPUSTRRG_COSTS does not IMPORT/EXPORT all the tablesthat are IMPORTed/EXPORTed by HGBPAYMACRO thencontact SAP before attempting to run this conversion program.> b) US CUSTOMERS: the IMPORT/EXPORT macros defined inRPUSTRRU_COSTS process ALL of the US payroll tables. The"standard" definition of the US payroll IMPORT/EXPORT macros are definedin the include HUSPAYMACRO.> As at 12.12.2005, the last International tableimported/exported is CODIST and the last US tableimported/exported is COSTS, but others mayhave been added later.> If RPUSTRRU_COSTS does not IMPORT/EXPORT all the tablesthat are IMPORTed/EXPORTed by HUSPAYMACRO thencontact SAP before attempting to run this conversion program.> 2) Find out the date when note 821847 (release 470 HRSP 43 / release 500HRSP 10 / release 600 HRSP 1) was loaded into each of your environments(i.e. DEV, TST/QA and PRD). 3) Using transaction SE16 and table PCL2 find out how many payrollresults you have in PCL2 cluster RG, that were created before each ofthe dates, from 1) above, in each of the environments. This will allowyou to judge how long the conversion will take in each environment. 500,000 PCL2 records take approximately 45 minutes to convert! 4) Set the date from 1) above in the date field provided (Convertonly upto date> PCL2-AEDTM) as you run the conversion in each of theseenvironments. 5) Test the conversion for a group of employees (using the Convertonly for Records> selection fields) this will be across allclients> in your DEV or TST/QA environment and make sure that you arehappy with the outcome both in Test and Live modes. 6) Then follow exactly the same procedure for all of your employees.(You can re-run the employees already processed) Payroll results processed that do not need processing (i.e. that havealready got the correct structure boundaries) will be by-passed and thefollowing message will be issued. "The record PPPPPPPPNNNNN could not be imported in client ???" 7) When you are happy with the results in DEV & TST/QAenvironments, run the test and live runs in your PRD environment (i.e.live/production system). |