Description You can use report RPUSTD00 to transfer master data from your old HRsystem. The dataset to be transferred must be stored in a sequential file. Thefile is stored under the name specified in the "logical file name"field (for more information on logical file names, read the IMG sectionentitled Additional client-dependent filename maintenance>). The report reads this dataset and creates a batch input session fortransaction PA30. The data description of your old record is defined according to thestructure HRDATASET. If this structure does not meet your requirements,create the structure CI_HRDATAS in the ABAP Dictionary. In thisstructure, you can store the infotype fields to which data should betransferred. Make the necessary changes in RPUSTD00. BEGIN OF UPDATEExample If the include CI_HRADATAS contains the field F1 which is to beassigned to the infotype nnnn, add the following ABAP statements toFORM Dnnnn: CLEAR BDCDATA. BDCDATA-FNAM = 'Pnnnn-F1'. BDCDATA-FVAL = SATZ-F1. APPEND BDCDATA. If the FORM Dnnnn does not exist for your infotype nnnn, copy FORMD0008 to FORM Dnnnn. Replace the 0008 by your infotype number: FORM Dnnnn. CLEAR BDCDATA. BDCDATA-PROGRAM = 'MPnnnn00'. BDCDATA-DYNPRO = '2000'. BDCDATA-DYNBEGIN = 'X'. APPEND BDCDATA. CLEAR BDCDATA. BDCDATA-FNAM = 'Pnnnn-F1' BDCDATA-FVAL = SATZ-F1 APPEND BDCDATA. CLEAR BDCDATA. BDCDATA-FNAM = 'BDC_OKCODE'. BDCDATA-FVAL = '=UPD'. APPEND BDCDATA. ENDFORM. The FORM Dnnnn is called directly after FORM D0008; see the ABAPstatement indicated as "<------ INSERT in the following (starting atline 1730 in the standard system): LOOP AT INFTAB. CASE INFTAB. *********************************************************************** * Include all infotypes in your action * *********************************************************************** WHEN '0002'. PERFORM D0002. WHEN '0001'. PERFORM D0001. WHEN '0006'. PERFORM D0006. WHEN '0007'. PERFORM D0007. WHEN '0008'. PERFORM D0008. WHEN 'nnnn'. PERFORM Dnnnn. "<------ INSERT WHEN OTHERS. WRITE: / 'Infotype not included:' (008), INFTAB. STOP. ENDCASE. ENDLOOP. Parameter DSLOGNAM Logical file name Parameter MAPNAME Session name Definition Enter any name for the session to be created. |