Purpose To adapt the current system structure in order to provide the necessaryinformation for the processing of Social Security. Some known problemsin the current system structure are:
- It is not possible to specify a Social Security regime code directly
- It is not possible to specify whether a Statutory Boards member had to
respect Social Security contribution basis limits
- It is not possible to specify whether an employee is authorized by
Social Security to be considered 'disabled'. Main corrections included in this solution:
- New structure and screen layout for Social Security infotype
- Cluster conversion program - see note 174872 in Online Support
Service for more information;
- Corrections to the table T5P2S (Assignment to Social Security Regimes)
- New field in Professional Classifications Infotype (IT0337) and table
T5PP2 (Professional Categories);General description:
- Table T5P2S is no longer used during payroll processing to determine
the correct Social Security Regime code. Instead, the code is inputdirectly in a new field of Infotype 0332.
- New fields in infotype 0332:
Social Security regime code Employment incentives - to signal employees who have been hired underspecial incentive regimes Permanent disability authorization flag - to mark employees who havebeen acknowledged by Social Security as having more than 20% disability Pre-retirement situation - information on which kind of pre-retirementcontract the employee has Limits for Statutory Boards members - flags that signal whether theStatutory Boards members have to respect the lower and upper limits ofcontribution basis, respectively 1 and 12 National Minimum Wages.
- Some regimes are replaced by new situation information:
First employment -> General Regime with Incentive 1 Long-term unemployment -> General Regime with Incentive L Pre-retired employees -> General Regime with pre-retirement flag Pre-retired Board Member -> Regime 08 with pre-retirement flag Changes in Payroll Driver to react to the new information in theinfotype
- Changes to the Social Security Calculation program (RPCS97P0)
- Corresponding changes to the Remuneration Sheet
- New field in Professional Classifications infotype (IT 0337) for
Personnel Summary (in electronic format) purposes - code of theProfessional Category in the Instrumento de Regulamentação Colectiva(IRC) as issued by the "Departamento de Estatística"
- The same field was added to table T5PP2 in order to specify a default
value for every categoryCluster conversion In order to convert the Social Security information in Payroll ClusterRP, this report needs to be run for all employees (note 174872 inOnline Support Service).Ideally, this should be done first in test mode, with the "extended" logON, in order to evaluate whether there are employees with inconsistentinformation that prevents their records from being converted. Onlyafter making sure that no more errors subsist, should the report be runin "production" mode, with summarized log.