Purpose This is a conversion report that you can use to:
- Determine the status of the information already reported to Alecta.
If you were previously reporting to Alecta using the SPPmonthly insurance events report (RPLSPPS0)>, then that information isrequired as a base to continue to report to Alecta using the newSPP monthly insurance events report (RPLSPPS2)>.
- Maintain Bonus and Compensation related information, previously
available in a legacy system. When one changes from a legacy system tothe SAP payroll solution it is possible to recreate values used forcalculating annual salary in the previous years. These values are theaverage of the last three year's bonus, fixed pay for jour and shiftcompensation from the previous year. You need to create special wagetypes for this purpose. For more information regarding wage types forAlecta, refer to the IMG under Payroll Sweden> -> Pensions>-> Alecta> -> Wage Type Catalog forAlecta>.
- Generate information for individual employees
You can generate information for an employee who has entered the Alectainsurance, but who is still entitled to Bonus and Compensation from aprevious year. The report stores the results in Information needed to be reportedto Alecta> database table (T5SPP). If the employee rejoins the companyand you want to use this conversion report, then you must delete the oldrecords of the selected employee(s) from Information needed to bereported to Alecta> database table (T5SPP).Prerequisites
- Customers newly entering into Alecta need to update a form in the system
with information about all the wage types relevant for Alecta reporting.A model Form ALEC is available that you can copy and update with thewage type information. For more information, refer to the IMG underPayroll Sweden> -> Pensions> -> Alecta >. Note Ensure that you do not include the wage types SPB0 to SPB5 in the form.
- Customers who were previously reporting to Alecta using the SPP
monthly insurance events> report (RPLSPPS0), can continue to use theform that they used for the old report. Additional customizing is notrequired. Note You must update Swedish org. structure - ALL >table view(V_T5S0P_ALL) with the following: Current identification number to ALECTA under Pension> ALECTA Department 1 Pension Plan identifier ALECTA Department 2 Pension Plan identifier
- You have processed the normal payroll run. Ensure that there are no
master data changes between the period when the payroll was run and theexecution of the conversion report.
- In case you were previously using the SPP monthly insurance events
> report (RPLSPPS0), then you must run the same before proceeding withthe conversion report.Activities Enter the relevant selection criteria. Payroll Period - Specify the last executed payroll period. Theconversion records will store the last date in the payroll period asreporting date. ALECTA information from current system - You can generate the reportbased on factors such as Organizational number, ALECTA Benefit Plan typeor according to what is customized in a customer specific feature. Note As per legal changes 01.10.2007, the existing benefit plan SPPP is usedas ALECTA Department 2. Additionally, ALECTA Department 1 (ALE1) iscreated. To generate the report in a test mode, select Test run>. In thiscase, the report will not update Information needed to be reportedto Alecta> database table (T5SPP). To execute the report, select Program> -> Execute>. Thereport generates a list of all the converted records.