Title SAP-HR Belgian Public Sector : Employment Period Calculation. Purpose This report enables you to run the employment period calculation(duration of pay seniority and administrative seniorities) for BelgianPublic Sector. Alternatively, the salary document can be published. Features Selection "Selection" In this area you enter the personnel number(s) of the employees forwhom you want to execute the employment period calculation. If nopersonnel numbers are entered, the report will be executed for allpersonnel numbers present in the system. "Period" You specify a selection period for which the employment periods arecalculated. Only the personnel data valid during this period are usedin the seniority calculations. The end date of the selection period isused as the selection date. "Evaluation for" In this area you choose which employment periods you will calculate forthe selected employees. For each administrative seniority, it is possible to specify a valuefor corresponding classification of the employee. Only the periods whenemployee belongs to the corresponding classification are taken intoaccount for the employment period calculation. If you don't specify avalue, the employee's classification at the end date of the selectionperiod will be taken by the report as the basis for calculation. These fields are only accessible for input if the associated employmentperiod is chosen. "Additional options" It is possible to publish results of pay seniority calculation in theform of a "legal salary document". It is not possible to calculate anyother employment periods if this option is chosen. You can input the number of future pay rises to be displayed on thisdocument. The default value is 3. Output ALV Output "Name of employee" Personnel number, first name and last name of the employee. "Administration" Name of the company "Grade/Absence" Job title or Type of the absence "Statut" Employee group label "Wrk%" Contractual percentage of work "Lvl" Administrative level "Years" Number of years in the calculated employment period "Months" Number of months in the calculated employment period "Sen%" Percentage of seniority "Seniority reference" This field indicates the value for employee's classification foradministrative seniority, if inputed on the selection screen. So it ismore easily to see if there is seniority contribution or not. Salary Document Output The salary document gives the same informations as the ALV, but in theform of a legal document which can be printed. |