Purpose You can use this report to find time constraint inconsistencies in yoursystem and, where possible, to correct them automatically. The following repairs can be performed automatically:
- If, for a personnel number, data records of an infotype contain gaps
with time constraint 1, the system can close this gap automatically.Prerequisites Only standard infotypes in namespace 0*** and customer infotypes innamespace 9**** are checked. Features
- On the report#s selection screen, there are several options that enable
you to evaluate and repair inconsistencies selectively. The individualselection options are described in detail under Selection>.
- You can set a dialog mode>. After you have chosen Execute>
on the selection screen, the system displays a list of theinconsistencies found>:
- In this list, you can navigate to the relevant settings by
double-clicking the individual fields to analyze errors, and you canobtain detailed error descriptions by clicking on the icon in theExceptions> column for each personnel number.
- You can perform a test run>.
- You can start repairing the inconsistencies from the dialog mode>
or directly from the selection screen by choosing Execute>.
- When the repairs are finished, a list of success messages and error
messages for the numbers that could not be repaired is created.Selection Personnel number:> In this field, you can specify the personnel numbers for which you wantto evaluate or repair time constraint inconsistencies. Note> If you do not fill the Personnel Number> field, the report selectsall personnel numbers available in the system. Infotype:> You can use this field to select the infotypes for which the reportshould be run. If you do not specify an infotype, the report includes all infotypesavailable in the system according to table V_T582A (Infotypeattributes (Customizing)>). Dialog Mode>: You can use this field to set whether the report should display a listof the inconsistencies found:
- If you select the field, the dialog mode> is switched on, that is,
the list of inconsistencies found is displayed.
- If you do not select the field, repairs are started immediately after
you choose Execute> on the selection screen. Test run:> If you select this field, you can prevent write accesses to thedatabase. In this case, no repairs are performed. The report#s successmessages refer to whether the repairs in the buffer were performedsuccessfully.Output If the dialog mode> is active, a list of the inconsistentpersonnel numbers and infotypes is created. Irrespective of whether or not the dialog mode> is active, a listof success messages and error messages for the numbers that could not berepaired is created.