Description This report produces a list of all third-party remittance items thathave been evaluated, posted or paid. The way the system selects thedata depends on your user settings. The list also contains information confirmed by FI, such as receipt ofthe posting, acknowledgement/payment of the posting and payee itemdetails. Activity Make your selection by choosing any or all of the following criteria: Company code> Business area>,,not for acknowledgements Vendor> Vendor subgroup> HR payee type>,,This allows to create lists per payeetype (Taxes, Benefits, Garnishments, etc.). HR payee> Evaluation run> Due date> Posting run>,,Default is to only show items that are instatus "Being posted". Acknowledgement run> HR document reference number> Remittance status> Stopped payments>,,This allows to only view stopped payee items. Control data> These options are not mandatory. If you want the report to retrieve allrelevant data, you can leave these fields blank. The standard setting displays a list of items posted to FI that arewaiting to be cleared. The ALV Layout> can be freelydefined by the user. The standard variant displays a subtotal of allfields for the amount by Company code, FI vendor and HR documentreference number. Note: You can also change the look and feel of the report by selectingthe following GUI control options: ALV grid control The SAP standard list viewer allows to choose subtotals in allvariations. Please refer to the generic documentation of ALV forfurther help. ALV tree control As of release 4.6B this tree view can be utilized as drilldown for thereconciliation via the FI->HR posting->HR payee items by simple doubleclicking. This allows you greater drilldown flexibility utilizing the tree viewwhere you can choose the relevant items. In the tree the subtotalfields are used as tree nodes. You can customize the tree view to yourneeds. GUI header You can activate and customize the GUI header. For customizing seerequirements below. Special error checking and correction: If you select the Check payments stopped> option, the reportdisplays all payee items that are stopped and/or already posted to FI.The report runs an extended error check for existing payee items asfollows: Check for items that are stopped but have an incorrect status. Thisenables you to check for items that have been stopped manually. You canthen use the option Correct stopped status> to correct suchitems. Checks for already posted items if they have been cleared or not yetposted. This can occur if items have been manually cleared or reversed.The corresponding option Correct already posted items> allows youto reset the payee item and correct the status as per the FI item. Choose 'Execute'Output As the ALV generic functionality is invoked you can freely adjust theoutput list to your needs and save the layout of your selection forreuse in your next session. Default layout 1_SUBTOTALS This list supplies summary information at the Company code, FI vendorand HR document reference number level. All FI vendors are listed with the defined posting run according to theparameters specified (see the documentation on theposting run>). If there are different subgroupsdefined for an FI vendor (different documents), each subgroup is listedon a separate line.Example to create a user layout: Information per companycode> and vendor> You will have to mark the amount column and select the summationfunction. Now select the company code column first and then the vendorcolumn and select the subtotal button. This will now create a list withsubtotals per company code and vendor. This list provides information about the payee item and its statusincluding payroll information. You can select (double-click) any line in this list to get detailedinformation about the payment in the level you have selected before thestart of the run. It mat contain the following information: RESET N1
- The FI vendor company code
- The employer reference number. If more than one FEIN appears, the
tables were set up incorrectly. If you have included more than one EIN(federal and state level), they are listed below each other.
- The FI document reference number. This number indicates where you find
the listed remittance items in your accounts payable (FI) system.
- The payment date. This shows if and when a payables run took place. If
the amounts are posted but not paid yet, the date will be 0 and thecomment will indicate that it has not been processed yet. If it hasbeen processed, it will tell you the payables run date and run ID. The summary also provides information about the check date range forthese payments, as well as the number of payrolls and employeesincluded in the amount.Batch run In a batch run, a list is produced for the chosen selection criteria,including the detailed information. Online run In online processing, the system displays a list of FI vendors andvendor subgroups. You can select those for which you want to displaydetailed information. Precondition You must have run the store evaluation run RPURMU00>to at least view evaluated payroll results. Release 4.6B and above:>If you would like to change the background picture and logo. You can dothis in the Business Document Navigator> (transactionOAOR) using class PICTURES and type OT. You will need to change theentries for HR3PRNA_RECON_BACKGROUND and HR3PRNA_RECON_LOGO. Release 4.70 only:> You can use transaction PCP0> to drilldown to reconciliation per payee items via double click. A variant canbe assigned that allows to choose between an ALV grid or tree control.This can be set with the user parameters> usingparameter HR3PRNA_RECON_VAR in the user profile.