Description This report extracts remittance items from the third-party remittancetables T51R5, T51R4 and T51R6 and places them into a posting run. Theposting run represents remittances in the form of a sequence ofdocuments, which you can then examine, release and post to FI. This report should be run at least once a day.> The due date you select for the posting run determines the selectionfor HR payee items. It should be on or before the day you want to remityour third party payments. When you enter this date in the Due date > field, you should also use the "Less than or equal to">selection option to be sure that you catch any earlier outstandingremittance items. All remittance items in T51R5 that belong to the defined company codeand business area are selected. We recommend that you always select update of alreadyposted HR payee items> to ensure no existing items will be leftoverdue.Testing The due date you select for the posting run should always be the firstdue date listed in the update run log from the previous third-partyremittance step (Store evaluation run - RPURMU00>).Activity Enter the earliest due date of interest. Use the Less than or equal to >selection option to ensure thatearlier outstanding remittance items are included in the posting run. Enter any further selection criteria. Choose Execute>.Output The report creates a log that lists all remittances due by FI vendorand HR payee. The third-party remittance posting run is displayed atthe bottom of the log. Activity Process posting run You have two options for proceeding to the next step. You can: Select (double-click) the 3PR posting> line at the bottom of thelog Go back to the previous screen and select Process posting run>from the third-party remittance menu path Either of these options takes you to the Display posting runs>overview screen, which contains a list of all not yet posted runs inyour system. You will find your third party remittance run under theheading TP> (Third-party remittance). From here, you can process your third-party remittance posting run byselecting (double-clicking) it to check and release its documents. Once all documents are released, you can post the entire run to FI fromthe Display posting run> screen.Process Normal remittance items Normal remittance items (those that do not involve accumulators) arehandled as follows: Based on your selection, the system selects all payee items (includingthose that are already posted, but not paid) to determine the new duedates, which are then compared against the due date entered. Whateveris due within the given due date period is then included in the finalposting documents. Accumulated remittance items The report checks all accumulators with check dates that fall within anassociated collection period/transfer interval>. Thehighest check date within a collection period that actually triggers arule event> will determine the new due date. Afterdetermining the new due date, those HR payee items that are due withinthe given due date period are included in the posting run. If due dates are changed, the corresponding HR payee entries aremodified in T51R5. For items already posted, the posting run creates alist with necessary changes in the corresponding FI document (see also:HR reference document number below).Linked remittance items The link originator is treated as a normal remittance item, but alllinked HR payees are included in the posting run regardless of theirdue date (mostly in the future). This means that the old due date ischanged into the new one. Further information A remittance transaction consists of at least two records: RESET N1 Credit posting - credit an HR payee's account Debit posting - debit a withholding account, which is usually anaccount for withholding tax or union dues A due date and HR reference document number> areplaced in the credit posting record. The due date indicates when theremittance item is due, while the HR reference document number is usedto identify the corresponding remittance items when the item getsposted to the corresponding A/P account during the remittance postingprocess. The following fields are stored in the credit posting transaction: RESET N1
- IN period
- accounting type="K"
- company code
- business area
- A/P vendor number
- credit amount
- due date
- HR reference number="HR"+T51R5-REMKY
(Refer to structure EP in program RPCFDI00> for details...) The following fields are stored in the debit posting transaction: RESET N1
- IN period
- accounting type="F"
- company code
- business area
- symbolic account
- debit amount
(Refer to structure EP in RPCFDI00> for details)Precondition RESET N1 The payroll run, the evaluation run and the store evaluation run musthave been completed before you can remit anything. Tables T51RL, T51RC, T51RH and T51RD must be maintained. Caution Third-party remittance is intended as an automatic process, configuredaccordingly in the IMG. SAP does not recommend that you carry outthird-party remittance manually.