SAP Program RPUREOPC - Reorganization for Personal Calendar Cluster

This report carries out the logical checks for the personal calendarand according to your parameterization, either sets the deletionindicators in the database or deletes the records to be reorganizeddirectly.
A calendar to be reorganized is determined by means of the calendaryear for which it was valid. If this calendar year is smaller than orequal to the entered year, the record is reorganized.
By means of the parameter update mode, you determine the processingtype for the records in the database. You have three options:

  • Testing:

  • With this mode, no changes are carried out in the database. Thereorganization run is only simulated and can provide information onthe number of the records to be reorganized.
    • Selecting:

    • By means of this procedure, the deletion indicators in the databaseare filled with the selection symbol. These records are changed in thedatabase. The selected records can be archived afterwards.Sequential UNIX files, which are not however supplied by a standardprogram are, used to do this.
      • Deleting:

      • The infotype records to be reorganized are deleted during the reportrun.