Description Program RPUQTA50> starts and manages the conversion of timeinfotypes 2001, 2002, 2006, and 2007 from 3.x to 4.0 format. Theprogram must be run directly before production startup. The new features in the above infotypes include the assigning of quotanumbers for infotypes 2006/7 and document numbers for infotypes 2001/2.This ensures an explicit assignment between a time quota record and adeducting attendance/absence record. Quota and document numbers canonly be assigned correctly if the existing quota deduction based on theemployee's attendance and absence records can be reproduced by theconversion report. A consistency check is made for each employee andquota type. If the consistency check carried out for an employee's quota deductionproduces a negative result - that is, the total deductions for allattendances and absences is not the same as the total amount used forthe quota type - all relevant quota records and attendance/absencerecords are ignored by the conversion report. Information and notes areoutput by the program using the SAP log interface>. Program RPUQTA50 runs for all clients and must therefore only be runonce. Client 000 is not converted> as it is presumed that thereare no productive records in the standard client. Any consistency errors should be dealt with before the report is run.You can use report RPTKOK00> (Check Leave and Quota Deduction) tocheck leave and quota deduction. On the selection screen, you canspecify that you only want to check attendance and absence quotas. Thereport is used primarily as a consistency check. However, you can usethe New deduction>> > pushbutton in the results listto start report RPTBPC10> (Leave Accrual and Quota Deduction),which updates cluster PC. If you want to limit the revaluation of the quota deduction to acertain period, for example, only the period relevant for payroll, youmust start report RPTBPC10> independently of RPTKOK00>.When you start RPTBPC10>, you can determine the period that isrelevant for you. Since they are not cross-client reports, you muststart them separately for each client. Please also see the report documentation. After the conversion, please read the release notes on quotas and makethe required changes in Customizing. You can then process the errorsoutput in the XPRA log. For a 4.0 upgrade, the conversion can be repeated, and rejected timerecords can be converted again once any required Customizingcorrections have been made. The program automatically recognizesinfotype records that have already been converted and does not processthem again. This is not possible if you are upgrading from release 3.x to 4.5A orhigher. A new report, RPUABSATT50> (XPRA for Filling Key Fieldsfor Business Object in Att./Absences), was delivered for release 4.5A.It supplies all non-converted attendances and absences and all employeequota records with internal document numbers. These are obligatory fromrelease 4.5A. The report runs in the XPRA phase after the quotas havebeen converted. If the conversion is repeated, no more infotype recordsare converted since only records with initial document numbers aretaken into account. However, you can process records for rejectedpersonnel numbers using report RPTKOK00> or RPTBPC10>.Output The program uses the SAP log interface. Please see the flow trace. |