Description This report imports withholding tax scales> fromdisks provided by the Swiss Office for Economics and automaticallydelimits existing scales. The following processing types are possible:
- Load a SECO disk into the scale table
- Load a SECO disk into a help file
- Load a help file into the scale table
The program uses the disk to recognize the canton for which the scalesto be imported are valid, and the key date as of which they are valid.If you want to import all the scales on the disk, do not make an entryin the 'Scale' selection parameter. All existing scales of the cantonare processed as follows, depending on their validity periods:
- Start before key date, end before key date
No activity necessary.
- Start before key date, end after key date
The scales are delimited automatically.
- Start on key date, end after key date
The scales are only deleted if the user confirms. If cantons deliveredon several disks are imported, the scales must not be deleted becauseonly the last disk would be imported otherwise.
- Start after key date, end after key date
The scales are deleted. Note that loading the disks can take several minutes because of the large volume of data involved.Deleting withholding tax scales Withholding tax scales that are no longer needed can be deleted with thereport. To do so, select the option Delete old scales>. Specifythe date up until which you want to delete the scales. All entries arethen deleted in the scale tables that lie before the date specified. Theremaining records are not delimited. Before you delete withholding tax scales, ensure that you will not needthem again in the future. If you have deleted withholding tax scales ona certain date, you can no longer run payroll> before this date.Dependencies The Cantonal Scales> processing type ensures that the name of thescale in report RPUQSTC2 is automatically converted to that of thecanton in question in accordance with SECO. As a result, you always workwith the official scale names of your canton. The official scale namesare also included in the printed scales. The Withholding Tax Table Structure> view mustinclude the entries required for your cantons and scales. Furthermore,the WTx Scale BWA> and WTx Gender BWA> fields must match thescales specified on the disks. The SECO scales> processing type must be used if you have alreadyworked with SECO codes in your system. SAP advises you to use cantonal scales>. They are included in thestandard SAP system. Note that the report can only be used to import SECO withholding taxdisks. To import withholding tax disks of cantonal tax authorities, usereport RPUQSTC0>.Output The report outputs statistics on entries that were successfullyimported, and entries that were not. Example Import withholding tax scales Canton AG Aargau Statistics on successfully imported entries B0 (00202) Sole wage earner, man, no children B1 (00194) Sole wage earner, man, 1 child B2 (00185) Sole wage earner, man, 2 children Statistics on entries that were not imported B0 GD (00040) B1 GD (00053) In this example, scales for German cross-border employees have not beenimported successfully. They are not regarded as separate scales in theSAP System. Instead, they are restricted by the maximum percentage inthe Maintain Withholding Tax Calculation> view. Thenormal withholding tax scale is used below these limits. If required scales are included in the list of entries that were notimported, you must enter them in the Withholding TaxTable Structure> view and run the report again (for these scalesonly).