SAP Program RPUQSTC0 - HR CH: Maintain withholding tax tables

This report enables you to process and update cantonal withholding taxtables.
The report:
Creates lists of existing entries on the key date
Delimits existing entries on the key date
Deletes all (old) entries up to the key date
Imports withholding tax tables from (cantonal) disks
To use any of the change functions, the user must enter his or herlogon name as a password.
General options:

  • Processing type

  • Definition: selection of various program functions
    A = Delimit existing withholding tax rates
    D = Delete (old) withholding tax rates
    L = List withholding tax tables
    U = Upload withholding tax scales from a disk to table T5C2H
    The following functions are also available in special circumstances:
    S = Load withholding tax tables from a disk to a file
    T = Load withholding tax tables from a file to a table (just likefunction U)
    Functions S and T are particularly useful if internal memory isinsufficient, such as when disks are used in Swiss computer scienceconference format (SIK). These disks are available from the taxauthorities of the following cantons: AR, GL, LU, OW, and SG. Thedisk's content is distributed to up to four files when imported.
    • Reference date

    • Definition: validity date for selected function
      Use depending on function:
      A = Delimit existing withholding tax rates
      > All scales are delimited to the date prior to this date.
      D = Delete (old) withholding tax rates
      > All rates older than this date are deleted.
      L = List withholding tax tables
      > Rates that are valid on this date are printed.
      U = Upload withholding tax scales from a disk
      > The scales are valid from this date (to December 31, 9999).
      The previous scales are delimited automatically to the previous day(see function A).

      The report outputs a list of processed scales and/or a message aboutthe number of entries.

1425295QSt: Importing scale file 2010 for canton of Geneva
1095445Advance notif. fiscal year change 2007/2008 Switzerland
990670Payroll CH: Importing withholding tax scales