Title RPUPSTM0 - Uploading Danish Postcodes Purpose Use this program to upload danish postcodes to table T5M8T. Thepostcodes are taken from infotypes 6, 9, and 73, among others, anduploaded to T521B. Prerequisites Before you execute the report, you must have the required postcodes ina file. You can obtain a list of postcodes from the post office, or bydownload from the Internet. For the most recent list of danishpostcodes:
- http://www.postdanmark.dk/postnumre/Content/Download.asp
Features Selection 'Key date' and 'Selection' are used to define the employee master datato be selected, as well as the recipients in table T521B. Test mode: If the report is executed in test mode, no changes are savedto the database. Detailed list: A detailed list of changes is displayed.