Title Conversion program for deduction wage type signs on Infotype 0221 Purpose This report switches the deduction wage type signs on existing Infotype0221 subtype ADJT and YANA records for customers upgrading to Release4.6C. This is necessary to eliminate inconsistent deduction wage typesigns as a result of a change in how deduction wage types are handledon Infotype 0221 subtypes ADJT and TCRT. In all releases prior to 4.6C, it was necessary to enter a negativesign after a deduction wage type on Infotype 0221 subtypes ADJT andYANA if you wanted to have a negative amount stored in the payrollcluster table RT for the deduction wage type. This changed in Release 4.6C. Now if you enter a negative sign after adeduction wage type in an Infotype 0221 subtype ADJT or YANA record,this deduction wage type is stored as a positive amount in RT.Conversely, if you enter a deduction wage type without a negative sign,it will be stored as a negative amount in RT. This change creates the possibility of inconsistent payroll results ifyou perform retrocalculation over existing ADJT and YANA records. Features Output A log file at the end of the program shows the status of all USemployees picked up by the program in all clients. Activities After upgrading to 4.6C, run this program to convert the signs ofdeduction wage types in all existing Infotype 0221 subtype ADJT andYANA that have generated payroll results. Note: > It is the best to run this program right after the upgrade process isfinished and before any payroll runs are executed.Example Possible log output and meaning:
- Employee data conversion check - OK
The sign(s) of deduction wage type(s) in this employee's Infotype 0221subtype ADJT or YANA record have been successfully converted.
- Employee data not converted
The sign(s) of deduction wage type(s) in this employee's Infotype 0221record were not converted. Possible reasons: this is a new infotype record created after the conversion wascompleted if the record is of subtype YANA, then this program may have processedthis record before and no additional conversion is needed if the record is of subtype ADJT, then the record may not have beenprocessed by the payroll driver so that no conversion is needed For all cases, you need to examine the infotype record and payrollresults generated by it to ensure the consistency.
- WARNING - Could not update employee data
The sign(s) of deduction wage type(s) in this employee's Infotype 0221record were converted by this program. However, the change was notrecorded in the database. Manual conversion is needed in this case.