Description This report is used to maintain the log that is created during reportstarts. Because you can delete logs with this report, you must enter your username (Field Password>). You can thus avoid mistakenly deletinglogs. If you want to delete all logs, flag the Delete all logs>indicator. The following data are stored for every report start:
- Report name>
- User name>
- Date>
- Time>
- Detailed information>
If you want detailed information to be displayed for every log, thenflag the All logs with detail info.> indicator. You can select this data in the report selection screen. The following default values are given for formatting the output list:
- Sort: Report> = 1>
- Sort: User> = 2>
- Sort: Date/Time> = 3>
You can specify this sort order on the report selection screen bychanging the relevant numerical values.Output The results are displayed in list form. If you have flagged theDelete ('X'= Yes)> indicator, the system displays a list ofdeleted logs. If you did not flag this indicator, a Maintain log> list isdisplayed. This list displays the starts of the selected logs. Fromthis list, you can display the detailed information by choosing therelevant line of the log and selecting Edit -> Choose>. You canalso delete the listed logs listed (either partially or completely) byselecting the report(s) and choosing Edit -> Delete log> orEdit -> Delete all logs>Precondition The logs of the report start for a report can only be created when acorresponding entry is available for the report in the view HRReport Attribute> (V_T599R).