Title Log of Report Start Purpose The report creates a list using the log that is created with reportstarts. Prerequisites Logs of report starts are only created for a report that is availablein table V_T599R> (HR Report Attributes) and if Record atstart required online>> is selected.Features Selection You can use the following fields:
- Report>>
- User>>
- Date>>
- Time>>
If you want detailed information to be displayed on every log created,select All logs with detailed information>. You can also specify the sort sequence in the selection screen. You canuse the following fields:
- Sort: Report>>
- Sort: User>>
- Sort: Date/Time>
Standard_variants Certain fields in the selection screen already contain default values.The system proposes the following selections:
- Uses the numbers in the Sort > field to set the sort
- Sets a 24 hour log time in the Time>> field.
Output In the standard system, the list displays Report>>, Title>>, User>> Date>> and Time>> in the relevant selected order.Activities You can change the order by choosing the following:
- Sort User>>
- Sort Date>>
- Sort Report>>
You can call up detailed information at this point by choosingChoose>.