SAP Program RPUPRA_USPEN01 - Conversion of compensation model tables

Conversion for compensation model

This program converts the old US compensation model for releasessmaller or equal to 46B to the new international compensation model asof 46C and up.

The following tables are involved:
,,T7USBEN01T,,-> T74IM
,,T7USBEN01,,,,-> T74HM
,,T7USBEN02,,,,-> T74HN


Benefits area - benefits area for which above tables should be dated
Test run - no table updates will be performed in test mode
Overwrite existing entries - will overwrite existing table entries ifmarked

Status of table change per client.

Upgraders from 46B to higher releases should also consider to runRPUPRA_USPEN02 to convert the pension database table.


Selection screen
Benefits area,,,,,,US
x,,Test run (no udate)
o,,Overwrite existing entries

Start of conversion in : Client 000 US
Start of conversion in : Client 001 US
Start of conversion in : Client 003 US
Conversion started for table T7USBEN01: 003403B.
Conversion started for table T7USBEN01T: 003E403BModel for 403bcompens.
Conversion started for table T7USBEN02: 003403B/101+###.
Conversion started for table T7USBEN02: 003403BM101+###.
Conversion started for table T7USBEN02: 003403BM102+###.
Conversion started for table T7USBEN01: 003DM01.
Conversion started for table T7USBEN01T: 003EDM01Dan's usual model.
Conversion started for table T7USBEN02: 003DM01/102+###.
Conversion started for table T7USBEN01: 003PENE.
Conversion started for table T7USBEN01T: 003EPENEModel forpensionable.
Conversion started for table T7USBEN02: 003PENEM003+###.
Test run, no conversion performed in client 003
Start of conversion in : Client 066 US
Program RPUPRA_USPEN01 completed! -