Description Perform Data Dictionary Corrections Related to Fields P0221-LGA16 andP0221-TAX16 in the Payroll Results Adjustment> infotype (0221)Precondition Only run this program if the Data Dictionary definitions of the abovefields initially were input incorrectly. Also, to ensure that your DataDictionary definitions are up-to-date, ensure that you have applied themost recent HR Support Package before you run this program. Purpose This program is executed to enable users to move all P0221-LGA16 fieldentries into field P0221-TAX16, and vice versa. In effect, you can runthis program, if needed, to transpose the entries in the respectivefields - from P0221-LGA16 to P0221-TAX16, and from P0221-TAX16 toP0221-LGA16. Note This program will modify all Payroll Results Adjustment> infotype(0221) employee records in which fields P0221-LGA16 and P0221-TAX16 arepopulated. Payroll Results Adjustment> infotype (0221) employeerecords without entries in these fields remain unaffected. This program operates across all clients. In the event that this program unexpectedly terminates processing, itcan be re-run without causing additional errors. In the event that theprogram is re-run, it may issue a message indicating that employees werenot converted; this message, however, identifies employees whose recordswere successfully transposed by the previous run.Output Once processing is complete, the output of the program displays a logfile, which summarizes the completion status of all employees that wereprocessed by the program. Within the output of the program, thefollowing messages are displayed. Employee successfully converted> This message indicates that the contents of fields P0221-LGA16 andP0221-TAX16 were successfully transposed for the employee. Employee not converted - program possibly already executed> This message indicates that the employee probably was already processedby this program. If you are not certain that this is true, or if youdisagree, then review the employee's respective field entries. Ambiguous wage type/tax authority for employee - check results> This message is issued for U.S. employees only, and appears in the eventthat the program cannot distinguish between a wage type and a taxauthority. (To illustrate, MD01> can indicate either a wage typeor a county of Maryland.) In these instances, the program will transposethe fields, despite the ambiguity, but also issue this message, whichserves to alert you to check the results. |