Title Settings conversion for the universal reporting RPLPKSC0 Purpose This report supports the migration to the new universal reportingRPLPKSC0 from RPKPKAC0, RPLPKTC0 and RPIPKLC0 as follows:
- Settings conversion reporting type PC schemas>, reporting
type PC output sequence> and value type field assignment> inthe steps Maintain PC Schemas >, Define PC Output Sequence > andDefine Output Assignments>. Note that the existing entries are not overwritten. These can exist,for example, due to multiple report starts. A transport connection is supported for the settings.
- Transfer of the variants of previous universal reporting
The previous universal reporting variants are converted usingVariant prefixes> (in the order RPLPKAC0,RPLPKTC0, RPIPKLC0) and in variants from RPLPKSC0. Existing variantsare not overwritten. For more information, see the report output.Preconditions As existing table entries cannot be overwritten, you must first deletethem. The entries to be deleted are shown in the report log. Further_hints As the affected tables have the delivery class G, you can use theoutput assignment types in the SAP name space. If you do this, you mustfirst delete the SAP standard entries, to establish your own settings.