Purpose This report enables you to set the Percentage contribution> of theemployee as per the standard LGPS Scheme rules. The report creates newPension Funds GB> infotype (0071) records for the selectedemployees, with the Employee Specific Record Indicator> unchecked. The report selects the employees for whom:
- The LGPS specific Pension Funds GB> infotype (0071) records
overlap the selected period
- The Employee Specific Record Indicator> is set
It then displays these employees as batches that you can process tounset the Employee Specific Record Indicator>.Activities On the SAP Easy Access screen, choose Human Resources -> Payroll ->Europe -> Great Britain -> Subsequent Activities -> Per Payroll Period-> Reporting -> Local Authorities -> Batch Update of IT0071 to clear EEspecific record indicator for LGPS>. > The Batch Update of IT0071 to clear EE specifc record indicator forLGPS> screen appears. In the Selection> section, enter the employee selection criteria. In the Pension Scheme> section, select the LGPS Pension schemesfor which you want the system to uncheck the EE Specifc RecordIndicator>. Enter the period for which you want to update the record. Enter a batch session name in the Batch session> field. To execute the report, select Program> -> Execute.> The Batch Update of IT0071 to clear EE specifc record indicator forLGPS> output screen appears. This screen displays the batch session.On this screen: Choose Batch input>. The Batch Input: Session Overview> screen appears. Select the batch session that you want to process. Select Session >-> Process Session>. The Process Session> screen appears. In the Processing Mode> section, select Process/foreground>and choose Process> . Save your entries.