SAP Program RPUPBSR3 - Planning Tool for Adjustment

This Tool helps us to plan for the adjustment.


Select the Radio button for Annual wage Adjustement for BasicComponenet
Select the Radio button for Monthly Salary Scale.
Enter the Details
Release. Release will change the status of Planned to Active. (i.e.) Itwill move all the "P" records to "A" and delimit if the record isalready exist otherwise it will create the new record.
Run Adjustment
You can also run the "Run Adjustment" for the planned version. Norecords will be updated.
Note: You cannot maintain the active records. If you want toedit the active records, Please select the plan type and then convertit to the active record. Program will delimit the old records with newrecords.

Scenario 1.
ABC Company is Planning to go for the Adjustment Excercise. At firstthey would like to see the cost of adjustment if they want to give 2%and 50 dollars to either group of employees or individual.
In this case, Please follow steps
Select Planned Radio Button
Select "Annual Wage Adjustment for Basic Component"
Enter the percentage and amount details
Select "Monthly Salary Scale"
Enter the Salary details
Run Adjustment.
Scenario 2.
ABC Company has decided to give the 2% and 50 dollars increase toeither certain group of employees or all of them. In this case, pleasefollow the steps.
Select the "Release Button" in the application tool bar. The programwill ask you "Enter the date to Release"
Enter the date
Program will convert the existing Planned records to Active Records. Ifsome of the records are already existing then the system will delimitthe records.
Run Adjustment