SELECTION SCREEN 1) HDA Performing Period * If this period is specified, only those HDA performing falling withinthis period will be evaluated. It is also possible to input only beginor end date here. That means only from the date onwards or till thedate, the HDA performing is valid for this execution. 2) Fixed Increment Date * If this field is not blank and the evaluated employee has met theincrement criteria, then the date of increment is the date here. Purpose The HDA Increment program will consider the HDA performing period, thepriority (from high to low)to set up the begin/end date of such periodis as following: 1) for begin date * HDA Performing Period "from date" in the selection screen (block"Additional Data") * Last Increment Date specified in IT0019 * Hiring date 2) for end date * HDA Performing Period "to date" in the selection screen (block:Additional Data") * Deferred Increment Date specified in IT0019 * End date specified in the selection screen (block "Period") After setting up begin/end date of HDA performing period, total HDAperforming Working Days/Calendar Days/Working Hours will be summarized,meanwhile, HDA break time, which is the certain days between twodiscrete HDA performing periods, will be check against the HDA BreakThreshhold Days specified in T5QPBS3A.. Leave information will also betaken into account, which depends on the configurations in tableT5QPBS2J. The increment criteria is defined in table T5QPBS3A, which will becompared with the summarized Working Days/Calendar Days/Working Hours.For example, 261 woking days is set in T5QPBS3A and the employee hasbeen working for total 265 woking days in the HDA performing period,hence, this employee will be given HDA increment. The accurate increment date will also be located, the priority (fromhigh to low)to anchor such date is as following: * If "Fixed Increment Date" on the selection screen is not empty, thenthat is it * If Deferred Increment Date in IT0019 is not empty, then that is it * for the rest, increment date is the first date just to meet thecriteria and is supposed to fall in the selection period. When an increment has been processed successfully, "HDA Last IncrementDate" and "HDA Deferred Increment date" in IT0019 may need updated."HDA Last Increment Date" will be overwritten by increment date figuredout in the previous paragraph and "HDA Deferred Increment date" will beclear. Prerequisites 1. Define a table T5QPBS3A 1. Define a table T5QPBS2J. 2. Define a following Features a) 13HDA b) 13DS4 |