Description This list gives an overview of PBS wage type intervals. In addition the assignment of individual wage types in these intervalsto SAP wage types is also indicated. To get a quick overview, thefollowing color coding for entries is used: Blue entries indicate wage types that have not yet been used. Yellow entries indicate wage types that are only intended for import. Green entries indicate wage types that are only intended for export. Red entries indicate wage types that are intended for both export andimport. Tree structure The primary nodes each represent a wage type interval. On opening anode, a branch displays the possible PBS wage types of the interval. If no corresponding SAP wage type exists for a PBS wage type interval,the interval is displayed in dark blue. If entirely unused wage types still exist in the interval as well asused ones, the interval is light blue. If no free or partly used wage types exist for a PBS wage typeinterval, it is shown in dark red. If there are no free PBS wage types for a PBS wage type interval, butthere are at least some partly used ones, the interval is shown inbright red. |