Description This report set P0144subtype/bank to conversion table automatically anddisplay some information for conversion. Following data of each subtype record in infotype 0144. Those areinformation to make benefits plan. max/min date of begda / endda Confirm to payroll/earliest retroactive accounting period. You have todecide this infotype can retroactive accounting or not. max/min amount of monthly deduction Confirm to contribution limits(minimum/maximum amount) of monthlydeduction for each saving plan. max/min amount of syoyo deduction Confirm to contribution limits(minimum/maximum amount) of syoyodeduction for each saving plan. Number of records for bank overlap with common saving(subtype 0001) These records have same bank and different objectID. Then overlap records. These records can not converted. Number of records for same bank assigned to common saving(subtype 0001) These records have same bank and different objectID. Then no overlaprecords. These records were assigned to same saving plan. Number of records for same objectID with different bank is assigned tocommon saving(subtype 0001) These records have different bank and same objectID. Then no overlaprecords. Number of records for several record with one employee is assigned tohousing or pension saving(subtype 0002/0003) Excusion schedule Before convert from infotype 0144 to infotype 0169. Selection Employee who was joining property accumulation savings. Overview information: Display only number of record for eachinfomation. Personal data information: Display personal data for each information. For additional information on the conversion, refer to Infotypeconversion in IMG. |