Purpose This program generates and distributes company earnings amongstemployees who benefit from profit sharing. The program proceeds in four stages. Firstly, it searches for employees, for a given year and modifier, whohold profit sharing rights for the financial year in accordance withseniority requirements. It determines: the salary taken into account for proportional distribution of theprofit sharing provision; this basic salary is likely to be altered bythe lower and upper distribution limits (cf. description of fields intable T5F3B) to provide a profit sharing calculation base. the employee's length of service in the company is to be counted fromtwelve months prior to the financial year (this refers to membership ofthe modifier) and his attendance in the company during the relevantfinancial year. Note: The user may manually amend the profit sharing calculation base for eachemployee. To do this, follow the 'Change profitsharing calculation base>' step in the implementation guide (IMG), andenter the relevant personnel number, the exact start and end dates ofthe financial year, the name of the basic profit sharing wage type(identical to the selection screen /112 by default) and the amountaccumulated throughout the basic pay period. The amount entered thusreplaces the system calculated amount. The employee Participation>' 0098 infotype will include the base calculated bythe system and the amended base that is related to the lower and upperdistribution limits, as well as the name of the user responsible for theamendment. After this procedure, the program calculates the total number ofemployees with profit sharing entitlement. It also calculates thedistribution rates. The first is proportional to the salary, the otheris proportional to the employee's attendance in the company and theindividual fixed share. During creation of the batch-input file (nextstep), these rates are recorded in table T5F3B. Thirdly, the program will calculate the amount of profit sharingallocated to employees. For this, it calculates the share of profit sharing provision distributed in proportion to thesalary. This share is calculated using the employee's reference salaryand the distribution rate proportional to the salary; the share of the profit sharing provision distributed according to theattendance. This calculation is made using the number of days ofattendance in the company and the corresponding distribution rate; the share of the profit sharing provision distributed equally betweenall employees. The sum of these three amounts is then amended according to the lowerand upper collection limits (cf. description of table T5F3B) to providethe real profit sharing amount. The CSG (contribution sociale généralisée) and the CRDS (contribution auremboursement de la dette sociale) are then calculated using thecontribution funds and the contributions in table T5F3C for the modifierand described in the 'Define profit sharing contributions>' step inthe IMG The results of these calculations are presented in a results list. Onceall errors have been rectified, batch-input file creation can be startedusing a specific button. Table T5F3B is updated with the calculated profit sharing rates when thebatch-input file is created. Once the rates are recorded in table T5F3B,any further profit sharing calculation will be done systematically withthese recorded rates. The rates will not be reevaluated. If the batch-input file is created and the results nevertheless contain errorsrequiring a reevaluation of the profit sharing rates, it is advisable todelete these rates from table T5F3B using the ' Define profit sharing distribution data>' step in the IMG. The execution of the batch-input file will generate a 'ProfitSharing' (0098)> infotype for employees whose profit sharing rightsexceed the lower profit sharing rights threshold (cf. field in tableT5F3B). If the rights are below this threshold, it will be paid to theemployee directly and so a 'Supplementary Payment' (0015) >(or <'External Payments' 0011>) infotype will be generated. An infotype 0015 is created for each employee with: the CSG amount (recorded in wage type /371) the CRDS amount (recorded in wage type /372) the gross amount of the profit sharing used to calculate the CSG andCRDS contribution base (recorded in wage type /377). The CSG and CRDSare calculated on the individual profit sharing amounts. In the special case of an employee having left the company, the'Calculate until' zone of the 'Payroll status' (0003) infotype isupdated with the payment date. This employee's payroll will be triggeredautomatically until the contribution payment dates to ensure that theyare taken into account in the monthly or anual declarations submitted tothe different social insurance agencies.Prerequisites
- Important!
The program version enabling employee exemption or exclusion requiresthe profit sharing base wage type (/112 by default) to be split WPBP inthe RT table. For this, the processing category 04 attributed to this wage type andthe 'Split elimination and positioning SV' (F025) > calculationrule have been modified. Therefore please update these modifications in your particular set up.
- When an employees goes from a contract type that is excluded from profit
sharing calculation to one that is included in the calculation, creationof a new 'Contract details>' (0016) infotype is insufficient. Theinfotype 0016 does not generate a WPBP split, which is indispensable forcorrect profit sharing base calculation. Consequently, when a contractchanges from excluded to included status, a 'Allocation>' (0001)infotype is necessary.
- The start date of the record in table T5F3B must correspond with the
profit sharing allocation date.
- The profit sharing calculation data must have been entered in table
table T5F3B using the 'Define profit sharingdistribution data>' step in the IMG.
- The CSG and the CRDS are then calculated using the contribution fund
codes and contributions in table T5F3C and defined using theDefine profit sharing contributions>' step in theIMG.
- To manage exclusions and profit sharing cost exemptions, tables T5F42
and T5F45 must be set up using the 'Select specialemployment groups>' and 'Exclude/exempt contracttypes>' steps in the IMG.Features Selection Important! This program must be executed by selecting only employees with theprofit sharing modifier and financial year ('Selection by economic and social entity>' box). The 'Other selections' > button canonly be used test scenarios. Non-compliance with this rule can lead toselection of employees belonging to a different economic and socialentity (differing profit sharing modifier). The batch input file must only be generated and executed if there are noerrors for any employees. From now on, the selection screen for this program has six tabs (fromversion 4.6B), each consisting of a certain number of fields to becompleted by the user.
- Under the 'Administration'> tab,
in the 'Profit Sharing Generation'> box, the following data mustbe entered in the corresponding selection screen fields: - the wage type reference for profit sharing base calculation , - profit sharing generation date ('Profit Sharing' 0098> infotypedate), - the payment date ('Supplementary Payment' >0015 and 'External Payments'> 0011 infotype dates). in the 'Technical data',> box, indicate - the name of the batch-input file used to create the infotypes, - the name of the display variant used to display the results list, - if the program is to operate in test mode. The test mode allows theprogram to run in the background without generating a batch-input fileIt is possible, whatever the operating mode, to choose whether or not to create a batch-input file by using the button near the results listduring a live run of the program.
- Under the 'Allocation rules'> tab, in the 'Length of service
requirements'> box, the selection screen field 'Type of entry date''> enables the date corresponding to 12 months prior to the beginningof the financial year to be replaced by a technical date from whichlength of service will be evaluated ('Technical dates' > 0041infotype). If this field is empty or if the type of technical date selected doesnot exist in infotype 0041, the length of service evaluation date willbe 12 months prior to the start of the financial year. The length of service in days during the financial year and the twelvepreceding months, as well as the attendance during the financial yearare required to take advantage of profit sharing. Beneficiary employeesmust fulfil at least one of these conditions.
- Under the 'Payment wage types'> tab,
in the 'Payment of profit sharing below threshold' >, indicate whether the direct profit sharing payment when this isbelow the threshold limit must be made via the payroll ( 'Supplementary Payment' 0015 infotype)> or by external payment ( 'External Payments' 0011> infotype). Where an employee has leftthe company, payment will be made automatically by external payment.Specify the payment wage types for payment through payroll and byexternal payment; in the 'Contribution Records',> box, indicate the wage types forCSG and CRDS payments.
- Under the '¨Payment method'> tab,
in the 'External payment method'> box, indicate if, for externalpayments, infotype 0011 should take each employees bank details frominfotype 0009, or if an identical payment method should be used for allemployees. In the second case, enter the payment method in the'Payment Method'> field.
- Under the 'Redistribution'> tab, in the 'Undistributed amounts
'> box, you may select from two options for undistributed amounts(arising from the upper profit sharing collection limit being exceeded): either transfer them to the profit sharing special reserve for the nextfinancial year. In this case, the total undistributed amount will bedisplayed at the top of the results list. The transfer to the profit sharing special reserve for the next year iscarried out manually; or redistribute the amounts between employees who have not reached theupper limit for collection immediately. In this case, specify the splitof the three allocation methods possible in percentage terms(proportional to the salary, proportional to attendance during thefinancial year and equal allocation). If some employees reach the upper profit sharing collection limit duringthis second distribution, a third distribution round is automaticallytriggered. And so on, until the total undistributed amount has been usedup or until all employees have reached the upper profit sharingcollection limit.
- Under the 'Special cases',> tab, specify employees who are to be
excluded from the profit sharing calculation, or exempted from costsfrom the four special employment categories supplied by SAP (andselected by the user in view V_T5F45 using the '' Select special employment categories'> step in the implementationguide.Output The program produces a results list. This list displays all employees (including non beneficiaries who arehighlighted by a red traffic signal), and their length of service,attendance during the financial year, reference salary and its amendmentif this was carried out via the 'Modify profitsharing calculation bases>' step of the IMG, the real profit sharingcalculation bases (i.e. their reference salary related to the lower andupper distribution limits), the share of profits allocated in proportionto the salary and attendance during the financial year and equally, thegross and net profit sharing and CSG and CRDS contribututions. Once errors for the employees have been rectified, you may startbatch-input file creation by pressing the corresponding button. The traffic signals indicate: when orange, that the real basecalculation is approximative only. The new program version from now onuses the profit sharing wage types /112 which have a WPBP split in tableRT. Once the previous unsplit /112 wage type payroll results have beeninterpreted, approximations may appear in the following instances:salary change at the same time as a change from excluded <-> includedstatus or several excluded <-> included status amendments in the samepayroll period. In this case, the user must manually correct thecalculation base. These calculation approximations are not likely tooccur except in the transitional period during which the previousunsplit payroll results continue to be interpreted. The results list format can be changed using a display variant todisplay, for example, the sub-totals by personnel area/subareas, or toamend the list so that it contains only the information to be suppliedto the body responsible for profit sharing where its calculation hasbeen outsourced. You can obtain a list of messages generated during program executionfrom this list (information, warnings, errors). The results list can be easily exported into MS Excel and MS Word usingthe corresponding button on the screen.Further notes With regards to 'euro>: profit sharing is calculated in the currency in table T500C on the dateof generation. If the currency in table T5F3B differs from that in T500C , a message stating that the distribution rates will be converted usingthe currency in table T5F3B will appear before saving.