Purpose This program enables partial withdrawal of an employee's profit sharing. The following operations are carried out for all selected employees:
- The program searches for 'Participation' (0098)> infotypes for
the years and modifiers of the profit sharing selected in the screen. The balance of this profit sharing is calculated the day prior to therequired withdrawal date. The gross profit sharing balance available must be more than thewithdrawal amount (if not, the system generates an error message). The program then calculates the interest portion of the withdrawal. The program calculates the CSG, CRDS and the NPS on the interest. Thesetaxes will be deducted from the gross withdrawal amount to obtain thenet amount payable.
- Depending on the results obtained, a new withdrawal is added to the 0098
infotypes, for which the following information is given: reason, dateand amount of withdrawal, portion of interest, the CSG, CRDS, NPS on theinterest and the currency.
- Finally, the partial profit sharing payment is made for each employee.
The program generates: a 0015 infotype (or a 0011 infotype in the case of an external payment)to pay the total net amounts payable; a 0015 infotype to record the CSG amounts payable on the interest (inpayroll wage type /373); a 0015 infotype to record the CRDS amounts payable on the interest (inpayroll wage type /374). a 0015 infotype to record the NPS amounts payable on the interest (inpayroll wage type /375). Notes: For employees who have left the company on the contribution payment date, the 'Calculate until'> field of the 'Payroll Status' (0003)> infotype will be changed, so that it contains the contributionpayment date. This date will automatically trigger this employee'spayroll whilst taking into account all payroll periods until the paymentdate. In this way, these contributions will be taken into account (inthe TDS, for example). If an employee is no longer working, his profit sharing will betransferred by external transfer (infotype 0011), even if the selectedtransfer option on the screen is 'payment by payroll'. The paymentmethod can be taken from each employee's banking details (infotype 0009), or entered in the selection screen. In the second case, the paymentmethod is identical for all employees.Prerequisites
- Interest is calculated according to the interest rates in table T5F3B
(view V_5F3B_2).
- The CSG, CRDS and NPS on interest are calculated using the contribution
fund and contribution codes in table T5F3C.
- To manage the exemptions from profit sharing costs, tables T5F42 and
T5F45 must be set up.Features Selection This program can be executed by entering the personnel number of theemployee whose profit sharing is to be partially released, as well asthe profit sharing modifier and financial year. It is also possible touse the 'Other selections'> button to add one or several selectionfields. From now on, the selection screen of this program consists of five tabs,each assembling a numbre of fields to be completed by the user.
- Under the 'Administration'> tab, in the 'Withdrawal
Generation'> box, the following data must be entered into thecorresponding fields of the selection screen: the withdrawal amount the justification for partial release (the list of reasons can beaccessed by context-sensitive help F4), the withdrawal date the name of the batch input file used to create payment infotypes 0011or 0015 and modify infotype 0098. Selecter the corresponding box if it is a test, in which case the batchinput file will not be generated.
- Under the 'Payment wage type'> tab, indicate if the payment is to
be made via payroll ('Supplementary payment' 0015)> infotype or byexternal payment ('External payments'0011> infotype) and specifythe payroll wage types used for profit sharing and those used for theresulting interest.
- Under the 'Payment Method'> tab,
in the 'External Payment Method'> box, indicate whether infotype0011 takes each employee's banking details (infotype 0009), or if anidentical payment method should be used for all employees in the case ofexternal transfer. In the second case, enter the payment method in the'Payment Method' > field.
- Under the 'Contibutions'> tab, specify the relevant wage types.
- Under the 'Special circumstances',> tab, specify those who are
exempt from charges amongst the four categories of special employmentsupplied by SAP (and previously selected by the user in the V_T5F45 viewby using the 'Select special employment categories'> in the implementation guide.Output The program produces a standard list containing the main infomation onpartial withdrawals made on account of profit sharing Each line in this list corresponds to a partial withdrawal on the profitsharing of an employee for the year and modifier selected in the screen. From this list, you can obtain a list of messages generated during program execution (information,warnings, errors). a list containing the total partial withdrawals. These lists can be easily exported into MS Excel and MS Word using acorresponding button on the screen. Further notes Euro: the withdrawal currency is the currency in table T500C on thewithdrawal date.