Description This report is used to display keys and control fields of data recordsof file PCL3. It also allows you to delete single records from PCL3. If you want to delete data records, flag the Delete?> indicator.Output If you flag the Delete?> indicator, the system displays theDisplay and Delete Single Records from File PCL3> screen wherethe selected data records are displayed. Select the data record thatyou want to delete and choose Functions -> Delete>. A messageappears telling you that the data record has been successfully deleted.Repeat the activity for all data records that you want to delete. If you have not flagged the Delete?> field, then the systemdisplays the list of selected data records. You cannot delete anyrecords from this list.
C A U T I O N:> This report is to be used in the implementation and test phases. If youuse the report in the productive system, it can result ininconsistencies in the data records.Note No extents will be displayed, but are likely to be deleted. |