SAP Program RPUP2DQ0 - Display and Delete of Advance Pay Records.

Display and Delete Records in the Q3 Cluster (RPUP2DQ0).

The Q3 cluster exclusively stores advance payment records. This reportenables you to display and delete any advance pay records stored in theQ3 cluster of the System.
The system always displays the selected employee(`s) records containingadvance pay information. You can also delete the selected records byselecting the Delete indicator.


  • Use this report only to display or delete advance pay results from the
  • Q3 cluster
    • Use this report only in the implementation and test phases

    • Using this report in the production system may lead to inconsistencies
    • in the data records

      You must have existing advance pay results, by running the AdvancePay Report (RPCADVQ0).


      Select an individual or a range of employee numbers

      The system displays the selected record(s) details including:

      • the employee number

      • the start and end dates of the period for which the advance is paid

      • the actual date when advance was paid

      • the date when the payroll was run

      • the payroll program name and the name of the user who ran the report
      • Activities
        From the SAP standard menu, select Human Resources -> Payroll ->Asia/Pacific -> Australia -> Subsequent activities -> Per payroll period-> Other activities -> Advance payments -> Display/Delete advancepayment.
        Enter the employee number or a range of employee numbers.
        Select the Delete indicator, in case you wish to delete advancepay records.
        Enter your system username (the person running this report) in theUsername field.
        Select Execute.
        In case you have selected the delete indicator, a delete button isdisplayed on the toolbar.
        Select the record you wish to delete.
        Select the Delete option.

        RESET N1
        The report does not check for Advance Pay results that have alreadybeen paid out during a payroll run. This can lead to inconsistencies.
        The report can delete Q3 (Australian Advance Pay) cluster records in anyorder. This can lead to inconsistencies.
        The report does not check for locked employees.
        The system does not display Extents (Q3 cluster record extensions), butsome are likely to be deleted.