Description This report modifies the database entries for the infotype Personaldata> and is relevant for the maintenance of the HR master data inSpain> and Belgium>. It should only be employed by customerswho have changed your system to Release 4.0 in order to ensure that thenames of their employees conform to the new P0002-DDIC-Structure. Thisreport also updates the infotypes Organisational assignment>(0001) and Family/Relations> (0021) (Spain only), given that theyare linked to the names of the employees. The report functions incorporate the following per country:
- Spain (Country group 04)>:
The report copies the contents of the field 'Second name' (P0002-NAME2)in the infotype Personal data> (0002) after'2° apellido'(P0002-NACH2) for employees with Spanish citizenship or for employeesfor whom the citizenship field is empty. It also updates the infotypeOrganisational assignment> (0001) and replaces the contents of theP0001-ENAME and P0001-SNAME fields corresponding to the table T5NN. Itthen adjusts the corresponding fields in all data records for theinfotype Family/Relations> (0021) for family members with Spanishcitizenship or for family members for whom the citizenship field isempty.
- Belgium (Country group 12)>:
In the new DDIC-Structure the length of several fields, which are linkedto the names of employees, have been extended to 40 characters. It isthus necessary to convert the data formerly available in the release inorder to update the infotype, which contains the fields concerned. Inthe infotype Personal data> (0002) the report transfers theemployees' names out of the short fields, which were used in the formerP0002-structure, into the 40-character long P0002-NACHN and P0002-NAME2fields in the new P0002-Structure. The P0002-VORSW and P0002-VORSRfields are cleared. It also updates the infotype Organisationalassignment> (0001) and replaces the contents of the P0001-ENAME andP0001-SNAME fields corresponding to the T522N table.
- Spain>:
The P0002-NACH2 field must be available in the infotype Personaldata > (0002). The P0021-FNAC2 field must be available in the infotype Family/Relatives> (0021).
- Belgium>:
The surname or christian name of the person must be longer than 25characters.Output When the conversion has been performed, the report generates a list ofemployees whose second surname now occurs in the correct field with thecorrect length, in accordance with the input entered into the selectionscreen.