SAP Program RPUP0096 - Convert Inf. 0096 into 0207, 0208, 0210, 0234, 0235

This report converts the data stored in infotype 0096, Taxes andcreates corresponding records in the following new tax infotypes:

  • Resident Tax Area, 0207

  • Work Tax Area, 0208

  • Withholding information W4/W5, 0210

  • Additional Withholding information, 0234

  • Other taxes, 0235.
  • Precondition
    There must be data available to be converted in infotype 0096. If nodata is stored, employees will be rejected.

    Existing infotype 0096, Taxes records will be converted as follows:

    • Record type 0 (federal) will be converted into a W4 record with tax
    • authority 'FED'.
      • Record types 1 (Resident state) and 2 (Work state) will be converted
      • into a W4 record with the corresponding state as the tax authority.
        • Record type 3 (Resident local) will be converted into a Resident Tax
        • Area record taking the valid resident state into account. The tax areawill be determined depending on the existing tax authority.
          • Record type 4 (Work local) will be converted into a Work Tax Area
          • record taking both the valid Work state and Resident State intoaccount. The tax area will be determined according to the existing taxauthority.
            Infotype NA Taxes (0096)
            01.01.1995 31.12.1995 0 Federal Tax Record FED100,00
            01.01.1996 31.12.1996 0 Federal Tax Record FED100,00
            01.01.1997 31.12.1997 0 Federal Tax Record FED100,00
            01.01.1998 31.12.9999 0 Federal Tax Record FED100,00
            01.01.1995 31.12.1995 1 Resident State tax record CA0,00
            01.01.1996 31.12.1996 1 Resident State tax record OK0,00
            01.01.1997 31.12.1997 1 Resident State tax record CA0,00
            01.01.1998 31.12.9999 1 Resident State tax record PA0,00
            01.06.1995 31.12.1996 2 Work State tax Record OK10,00
            01.01.1996 30.06.1997 2 Work State tax Record NV5,00
            01.07.1996 31.12.1997 2 Work State tax Record TX5,00
            01.07.1997 31.12.9999 2 Work State tax Record PA80,00
            15.01.1998 31.07.1998 4 Work Local tax record PA0125,00
            01.09.1998 31.12.1999 4 Work Local tax record PA0150,00
            Infotype Resident Tax Area (0207)
            01.01.1995 31.12.1995 CA State of California
            01.01.1996 31.12.1996 OK State of Oklahoma
            01.01.1997 31.12.1997 CA State of California
            01.01.1998 31.12.9999 PA State of Pennsylvania
            Infotype Work Tax Area (0208)
            01.06.1995 31.12.1996 OK State of Oklahoma 10,00
            01.01.1996 30.06.1997 NV State of Nevada 5,00
            01.07.1996 31.12.1997 TX State of Texas 5,00
            01.07.1997 14.01.1998 PA State of Pennsylvania 80,00
            15.01.1998 31.07.1998 PA State of Pennsylvania 55,00
            15.01.1998 31.07.1998 PA01 Abbott 25,00
            01.08.1998 31.08.1998 PA State of Pennsylvania 80,00
            01.09.1998 31.12.1999 PA State of Pennsylvania 30,00
            01.09.1998 31.12.1999 PA01 Abbott 50,00
            01.01.2000 31.12.9999 PA State of Pennsylvania 80,00
            Infotype Withholding information (0210)
            01.01.1995 31.12.1996 CA California
            01.01.1997 31.12.9999 CA California
            01.01.1995 31.12.1995 FED Federal
            01.01.1996 31.12.1996 FED Federal
            01.01.1997 31.12.1997 FED Federal
            01.01.1998 31.12.9999 FED Federal
            01.01.1996 31.12.9999 NV Nevada
            01.06.1995 31.12.1995 OK Oklahoma
            01.01.1996 31.12.9999 OK Oklahoma
            01.07.1997 31.12.1997 PA Pennsylvania
            01.01.1998 31.12.9999 PA Pennsylvania
            01.07.1996 31.12.9999 TX Texas
            14 records converted into 26 records
            Number of selected employees : 1
            Number of rejected employees : 0
            Total number of records converted: 14