Description You can use this report to change various fields of infotype 0001Org.assignment>. Under Compare>, you can specify the fields that should be changed:
- Company code>
The assignment between company code and personnel area is regulated bytable T500P Personnel Areas>. Possible changes can be made withthis report.
- Controlling area>
The controlling area field is a sum calculated from the Company code > (BUKRS) and the Business area> (GSBER) fields.
- Names>
The fields P0001-ENAME and P0001-SNAME are structured according to tableHR Name Format> (T522N). The formatted version of the employee's name from infotype 0002,Personal Data> is stored in infotype 0001 Org.Assignment>.The name format corresponds to the entries in table T522N, format 00 > for SNAME> and 01> for ENAME>. When you changetable T522N, you must update the records in infotype 0001 Org.Assignment>. For language-dependent name elements (such as form ofaddress), you can specify the format language using the Language forName Compare> parameter. Legal person> You can not change the Legal person> (JUPER) field of infotype0001 Org. Assignment> using transactions PA30>, PA40 >, etc. The Legal person> field is derived from the Companycode> (BUKRS), Personnel area> (WERKS), and Personnelsubarea> (BTRTL) fields. Values are taken from table T001PPersonnel Areas/Subareas>. If changes are made to the JUPER fieldin T001P, you can change this field using this report. Administrator groups> The administrator group (SBMOD) assignment is controlled by the featurePINCH>. As this report updates the database, you must enter your user name asthe password. It is possible to start the report in the test mode. If you want to dothis, flag the Test run> indicator. For more information on Selections from>, Matchcodes> and Multiple selection>, refer to the R/3 Library under HRManagement -> PA-Personnel Management -> PA-Personnel Administration ->Procedures in Personnel Management -> Master Data and Reporting -> TheReport Selection Screen in HR Management System -> The MultipleSelection Function on the Report Selection Screen>.Output The report results are output in list form. A separate line is createdfor every employee, containing the personnel number, the employee's name , and the fields that were changed.