Title Convertion of org. numbers to new table structure Purpose This convertion report helps adjusting to the new tables delivered with"terminoppgaven" and "LTO2000" in Dec. 2000. Notice that the reportonly converts the entries of the current client. If you need to converttables in more than one client, please run the report once in eachclient. Integration Customizing the new tables are absolute mandatory before running the"terminrapporten" for the 6th termin and for running the annual taxreporting for 2000. Refer to following chapters in the Norwegian IMG: - Basic Settings -> Maintain organisational structure - Reporting employer's contribution and taxation (terminrapporten) Prerequisites Run test runs for the different selections and check the resultinglist. Features Selection Radiobuttons for the different convertion possibilities: 1) Bedriftsnummer: Inserts all org. numbers stored in table T5V2E intotable T5V2L and T5V2G, if not already existing in the tables. 2) Juridisk nummer: Inserts all org. numbers stored in table T001Z withkey 'NO_JUR' into table T5V2M, if not already existing in T5V2M. Thenames of the company codes will also be inserted as proposed names. 3) Pers. area/subarea:: Inserts pers. area/subarea stored in tableT001P into table T5V0P if not already existing in T5V0P. 4) Reporting nummer: Inserts all org. numbers stored in table T001Zwith key 'NO_JUR' into table T5V2I, if not already existing in T5V2I.Notice that the names of the company codes will be inserted as proposednames. You might also have bedriftsnummers as reporting units. Thesenumbers must be inserted manually. Output List showing the the entries ready for insertion in the tables. Activities Notice that the bedriftsnummer are delivered with a text field attachedto it. This field is not filled by this convertion, as there is no namefor these number existing in the system today. To maintain these texts,please enter the Norwegian IMG on path: ... Basic Settings -> Maintainorganisational structure -> Set "Bedriftsnummer/undernummer". Afterfinishing this action, perceed to the next action "Connect pers.area/pers. subarea combinations to a "bedrifts". Here, each combinationof WERKS and BTRTL is connected to a bedriftsnummer. Example Entries from T001Z with key "Party" = 'NO_JUR' will be copied intoT5V2M (juridiske nummer). These entries are also filled into T5V2I(reporting numbers) as suggested reporting units. Please enhance orchange these entries manually if necessary for legal reporting. Pers. area and - subares from T001P are copied into T5V0P. The ORGNO from T5V2E are copied into T5V2L (bedriftsnummer) |