Purpose If you have replaced a payment using the Off-Cycle Workbench, thesystem writes all the required information on results of the paymentreplacement to the indicator table for off-cycle batch processing(T52OCG). This report further processes the results of this table bycreating processes in the HR Process Workbench>. For theseprocesses, the report uses a process model in which you have definedthe subsequent program for payment replacements.Integration The report is run following payment replacements that you haveadministered using the Off-Cycle Workbench. Prerequisites In Customizing for Payroll>, under Off-Cycle Activities ->Create Process Models for Off-Cycle Subsequent Processing> you havecopied the model process model HR Process ModelOff-Cycle, Reprint Replaced Check>> from the standard system to thecustomer name range and, if required, adjusted it to meet therequirements of your business processes.Features When you run the report, the system locks the table record in whichpayment data on replaced payments is stored. This record has the samedate and the same identification feature for all payments replaced onthe same day. All payment replacements that you carry out after youhave run this report are given another identification feature by thesystem - and, if necessary, a new date. The report reads the data from the indicator table for off-cycle batchprocessing and creates processes by using the process model that youspecified in the selection screen. The process model specifies whichsubsequent program the system is to use. Selection You must specify the relevant process model>. If required, you can restrict the subsequent processing by using theProcessing date> and Identification > fields. Here, you specify the date and the identification featurefor the data record of the table T52OCG in which the system collectsthe data on replacements for each day. Note To determine the identification feature, you can run the reportH99LT52OCG (Display Indicator Table for Off-Cycle Batch Processing) >. In the selection screen, specify the procedure type R>(Check replacement). You can access the report from the off- cycle menu. We recommend that you make no entries in the Payroll area> andPersonnel number> fields, since subsequent processing of paymentreplacements must be carried out for all employees. If required, youcan make restrictions in the test system.Output You obtain an output list that shows which process the system has usedfor its subsequent processing of which reversed payments. Activities Enter the required data and run the report. We recommend that youschedule the report, for example, at the end of the working day, as aregular background job. Then, in the HR Process Workbench>, check the processes that thesystem has used for subsequent processing. The relevant number for eachof the processes is displayed in the output list.Example Following payment replacements that you administered in the Off-CycleWorkbench, the system should regularly print new checks. You copy the SAP process model HR Process Model Off-Cycle, ReprintReplaced Checks> to the customer name range. The process modelcontains the program that executes the required subsequent processing.You schedule this report as a regular background job that is to be runat the end of each working day. The Check replacement> fieldunder Type of batch processing> is already marked when you callthe report. Under Parameters for process model>, you also specifyyour customer-specific process model. You do not make any furtherrestrictions. After each working day, the system runs the required subsequentprogram. At the start of the next working day, you check in the HRProcess Workbench> whether the subsequent processing was correctlyexecuted. If required, you make corrections. |