Purpose The system saves all the off-cycle activities performed to control thesubsequent programs in table T52OCG. These activities are taken intoconsideration when subsequently processing data using report RPUOCB00.Records that were processed contain some specific information, like theprocess number, processing date, and user. As the processed entrieslater have no meaning for the system, we recommend that you delete themafter a certain period of time. The report RPUOCGDL is available for this purpose. You have the following selecton options: Processing date (all records that were processed before this date),operation type of the off-cycle payroll run and personnel numbers. However, outside test scenarios it is a good idea to select after theprocessing date. You should schedule the report periodically. Whendoing so, you can use a dynamic selection variable: To do so, the date field is coded with the type 'S' when creating thevariant. You can use the 'Selection Variables' button to activate thedynamic date calculation. Various options are available, for example, current date +/-???. Byentering -183, the system deletes all entries that are more than sixmonths old. Features |