Purpose ****THIS REPORT IS NOW OBSELETE AND WAS ONLY USED IN THE GB TAXYEAR 2000/2001. REPORT RPUNICG0 WAS CREATED AS A RESULT OF THEREWRITING OF THE NI SOLUTION IN THIS TAX YEAR, AND WAS RUN SOLELY TOCONVERT EXISTING PAYROLL DATA TO A NEW FORMAT.*****> Use this report to convert payroll results for those periods thatrequire retrocalculation. You must run this report from the start of the fiscal year>. Any results that are not converted will no longer be accessible.Payroll calculation and subsequent reporting will no longer be possibleusing these results.Integration The conversion is a two-step process: Tables RT and CRT are copied to help tables with the same structurecalled H_RT and H_CRT respectively. You cannot access these tablesdirectly. They serve as a "safety net" for the payroll data. The wagetypes are removed from the RT and CRT, and the converted results,together with H_RT and H_CRT, are exported to the RG cluster. After manually checking the converted results, you can clean up theconversion run by selecting the appropriate radio button. This deletesthe H_RT and H_CRT entries from the RG cluster. You cannot import theconverted results until this step has been completed. Prerequisites The conversion report cannot> convert the following recordscorrectly:
- A director appointed in the middle of the current tax year.
- A director with a category change in the middle of the current tax
year. You must first run this report in test mode to compare the old and thenew results. Then after running the conversion report, you must search for any error(as described above). If there are errors, you must manually force a retro payrollcalculationon the affected employees by setting their personal retrodate to the beginning of the current tax year on the infotype PayrollStatus (0003). To identify these people, use transaction se16 and check the structurePA0069 for any director flags that have been set. Note: The Arrears/Refunds Total field in the NIRA table is not filledin the conversion. No customer action is necessary, as the reportautomatically changes the retro date on infotype Payroll Status (0003)to the beginning of the current tax year. Thus, it is ensured that anyinconsistencies that might affect year end processing in 2001 arecorrected during the next payroll run.Features Selection You must enter the start date> of the current fiscal year in theConvert payroll results from> field. Payroll results are converted from this date to the present date.Output The report displays the following pre-conversion data:
- Results Table (RT)
- Cumulated Results Table (CRT)
- National Insurance
The report displays the following post-conversion data:
- Results Table (RT)
- Cumulated Results Table (CRT)
- NIable Pay
- National Insurance Contributions (NIC)
- Cumulated NICs
- National Insurance and Rebate Arrears (NIRA)
Although it is possible to convert old NI results, you should be awarethat gaps may appear in data prior to tax year 2000/2001. In earliertax years, NI regulations were different and do not map 1:1 to the datastructures on the RG cluster. However, these periods have already beenreported for statutory purposes and any retroactive changes are broughtforward for calculation in the in-period. The following fields are not converted in the table NIPAY: NIPY_RCFP - Regular Niable pay carried forward previous NIPY_RCFC - Regular Niable pay carried forward current NIPY_RBF - Regular Niable pay brought forward NIPY_ICFP - Irregular Niable pay carried forward previous NIPY_ICFC - Irregular Niable pay carried forward current NIPY_IBF - Irregular Niable pay brought forward REF_PERNR - Reference Personnel Number The following fields are not converted in the table NIC: APPS - APPS flag DIRRP - Director regular payment flag DIRPW - Director number of tax weeks for pro-rating LTLVR - Late leaver flag WK6FL - Contracted-out later than six weeks after leaving flag NIBASE - Niable Pay Base The following fields are not converted in the table NIRA: TOTAR - Arrears/refunds (total)Activities To run the report, proceed as follows: From the report screen, enter the personnel number (for individualemployees), or payroll area (for groups of employees), as required. Enter your required date in the Convert payroll results from>field. Select the Test run> and/or Clean up conversion run> checkbox. You can run an overall test run, or you can select both checkboxes to run a clean up test run. If you select the Test run>, select the Period> list,Employee list> or the Full results> radio button. The fullresults for many employees may require a long run time. If you selectthe Clean up conversion run>, you can only display one of thecondensed lists, that is, the period list> or the employeelist>. Select Execute. If you select the period or employee lists (that is, the condensed ALVdisplay), these complex scenarios are sorted by type> andincluded in the ALV display with the following keys: E>,,Error - for example, the payroll results cannot be found. I>,,Information - for example, if the date in infotype 0003 hasbeen reset to the start of the current tax year. W>,,Warning - for example, if an employee has a specifictechnical wage type record If you select the Full results list>, you can further select oneof three display variant pushbuttons:
- Complex scenarios>: Select this pushbutton to display a list of
employees whose records should be checked. These include: Late starters Late leavers Employees with retroactive NI code changes Employees with retroactive pay changes Employees with E wage types Employees with a record in table T5G_CONVNI Employees with wage type /N51
- Employees with forced retro>: Select this pushbutton to display a
list of employees with NI arrears in the current tax year.
- Error list>: Select this pushbutton to display a list of
personnel numbers that have not been converted. The errors are listedby personnel number and type of error. If problems occur during the conversion, the results can bereconstructed using H_RT and H_CRT. Note that old NI results for directors contain uncumulated wage typesin the RT and therefore require no special treatment in the conversion.Example Exceptional Case> Some customers may have the situation where customer wage types haveaffected NI wage types. If this is the case, Table T5G_CONVNI isprovided to allow customers to define mapping from customer wage typesto technical wage types for the conversion. Note: This will not> the be the case for the majority ofcustomers.