Description Report program RPUMSPNPPCH converts the identifiers PN/ and PC/ inprograms that use the logical databases PNP and PCH. This program alsodeletes the inverted commas in the declarations common part used in HR.You can run this report program for each program to be adapted. Before using this program, make sure that the programs you want to editare not locked by another user. The program is changed irrespective ofwhether it is locked or not, and the changed version is written to thedatabase. If the program you are converting is being used during theconversion process, data inconsistencies may result. Selection screen options: Development class: Programs developed by users are assigned to development class $TMP orto a customer development class beginning with Y or Z. If possible, runthis program only via HR development classes. Program name: In the 'Program name' field, enter the individual programs. The systemthen takes only these programs into account. Logical database: The selection option 'logical database' can have the value PN or PC. Inthis case, only programs whose attributes are assigned to the relevantdatabase are taken into account. Various includes can be used in a report program. These includes areusually not assigned a logical database, and are therefore not includedin the conversion procedure. Program author: Each program has an author. This option enables you to convert onlyprograms written by a specific person. Application: Programs and includes in HR should be assigned to application P or H.All programs with this assignment are converted. Source system: Programs are assigned a source system. Only those programs and includesassigned to the specified source system are taken into account. Test run: If you select this option ('X'), conversion is only simulated. Changesare not written to the database. You can make entries in several fields on the selection screen. Allentries are taken into account, and only those programs that satisfyall the criteria are selected. |