Title Migration Report for NI Data Take-on table Purpose This report migrates data from the old National Insurance Data Take-ontable T5G_NIDTO to the new National Insurance Data Take-on TableT5G_DTONI. Prerequisites Features Selection Test>: Set this indicator to run the report in test mode.Output Upon executing the report, the output displays statistical informationon the processing: Records on old table: >The number of entries on the old NI DataTake-on Table (T5G_NIDTO). Correct records: >The number of records that can be migrated tothe new Data Take-on table (T5G_DTONI). Rejected records: >The number of records that haveinconsistencies and cannot be migrated to the new table.Activities To migrate your data from the old NI Data Take-on> table to thenew table: Execute this report in Test> mode. If the number of rejected records is not zero, inspect the error listand make the appropriate corrections. Run the report with the Test> indicator switched off. Note: Thedatabase will only be updated if there are no errors in any of therecords. HINTS> By successfully executing this report, all processing in payroll andreporting for National Insurance adjustments are transferred to the newtable T5G_DTONI. Therefore, SAP recommends that you run this migrationreport as early as possible. When the payroll driver detects thatthere are entries for the current payroll period in the old DataTake-on >table, the corresponding personnel number will be rejectedfrom payroll. Once this report has been successfully run, all existing data has beenmigrated. |