SAP Program RPUMKR00 - Set Default Values for Features

The report is used to set certain information, which is stored forevery feature, to a default value.
At the moment, only table T549B Company Features is supported.The report reads the directory specified in Feature(s) andresets the following fields to the default value:

  • Person responsible for the structure

  • Default = default user
    • Indicator of the change option for the structure

    • Default =
      • Person responsible for the decision tree

      • Default = default user
        • Indicator of the change option for the decision tree

        • Default =
          • User name of last change

          • Default = default user
            It is possible to run the report in the test mode. If you want to dothis, flag the Test run indicator.
            If you do not flag the Test run indicator, the changes will bewritten back to the table.

            The number of changed features and a list of these features are output.