SAP Program RPUMKG00 - Generate features

You can use this report to regenerate features and create newcross-references (set up predecessors).

  • Generating features:

  • You can use the following types of generation, which you specify in theType of generation field:
    Always generate the feature:
    Choose this type when implementing an upgrade. Enter value 1 toset up the cross-reference (predecessor) and regenerate all features.Do not make any entries in the Features field. If you enter thevalue 2 in this field, only the features specified in theFeatures field are regenerated.
    Generate feature only if it has changed:
    You can use this option, for example, if you have changed the structureor the field names for several features. Enter 3 in the Typeof generation field.
    Generate all features that have not been selected:
    Use this option when transporting features. In the target system, thefeatures that have already been transported are flagged. Transportedfeatures that have not been flagged are then imported. This report isstarted automatically after the import - it selects and generates allunselected features.
    Generation is always based on the main features. If the list alsocontains subfeatures, the report determines the main features relatedto these and uses them in generating.
    The report lists all main features together with a status message, anddisplays statistics on the features generated.
    • What exactly happens during a generation run?

    • Reports with the name /1PAPA/FEATcccfffff are created whenfeatures are generated - ccc refers to the client and .fffff refers to the feature name. If a report already exists,the old report is overwritten.
      • Setting up predecessors:

      • You can call up the subfeatures of a feature. When you save thefeature, the system automatically enters the feature with thissubfeature as the predecessor. You can set up a predecessor and createa cross-reference only in a generating run. You can execute agenerating run by entering 2 in the Type of generationfield. The predecessor must be set up after every update or releaseupgrade.

        All selected features are used for the generation. The last updateversions of the features are used.
        When setting up new predecessors, do not delimit the feature range byspecifying features.

539595HCM CE country versions x HR service packages
573044Unicode conversion for HR application
1113525PE03: Special characters for feature maintenance
314250HR Country version 4.6C for CZ,HU,PL,SK
337220HR Country version 4.6C for Slovenia (SI)
649755HR Country version 4.6C Service Release 2 for CZ,HU,PL,SK
449132HR Country version 4.6C Service Release 1 for CZ,HU,PL,SK
321714PE03: Technical information on features
329461PE03: No status stored if characteristic new & generated
325592Performance problems when generating features