Purpose The report migrates existing company car car master data after05.04.2002 from infotypes Company car(222), Unavailability(225) andCompany car EE contributions wagetype (014) to the internationalcompany car infotype(0442) Prerequisites The report checks that infotype 222 is sufficiently maintained. Allinfotype 222 records that exist beyond the 5th of April 2002 must havebeen maintained with the cars C02 value and must be linked to a validentry in the car database table VC_T5GC1. No employee record will bemigrated to 442 until such time as all employee records aresufficiently maintained. Requirement The migration must take place before the end of tax year 2002/03 ingood time for P11D printing for this tax year. The P11D for tax year2002/03 will read information from infotype 442 only. Recommendation A migration is recommended at the earliest opportunity 1) To avoid unnecessary inconvenience when approaching the tax year end2002/03. 2) To benefit from the enhanced functionality available in payroll andon IT442 and to move your organization as soon as possible to thefuture data maintenace of C02 based company car data. Selection Screen Wage type for regular payments - If applicable enter the wagetype thatis used to make EE contributions towards a company car. Test only -no database updates - Check this box to run the report intest mode. Display Protocol - Check this box to display a detailed list of eachemployee and master data created or changed by this report. Effect of Migration Infotype 222 Currently, there should be infotype 222 records valid from 6 April 2001(or later) to 31 Dec 9999. The migration report will only convert theportion of an infotype 222 record that falls after 5 April 2002. IT 222will be left unchanged making it therefore available for usage in theP11D program for 2001/2002. After the migration report has been run,it will still be possible to change the 222 records, but the validityperiod must have an end date no later than 05.04.2002, it will not bepossible to create new IT 222 records starting after 5 April 2002. Theconversion can take place at any point in time, but must be completedin good time before May/June/July 2003 for P11D reporting. Maintenanceof infotype 222 for tax year 2002/2003 will be possible before themigration report is run. Different from previous tax years, it is notnecessary to run the company car uplift report as part of the start ofyear procedure for 2002. Infotype 225 Records of unavailability that exist for a car after 05.04.2002 will bemoved and integrated with the 442 record. The unavailability periodwill be recorded on 442 with the specific date range and a flagindicating unavailability together with a reason. Infotype 14 (Employee contributions) On the selection screen of the report it is necessary to indicate whichinfotype 14 wagetype, if any ,is used to make EE contributions towardsa company car. As result of the migration the employee contributions existing afterthe start of the payroll accounting year will be moved from infotype 14to 442. Infotype 14 records that cross the accounting year will be delimited atthe end of the accounting year 2001/02 . Records that only exist afterthe start of the accounting year will be deleted from IT14 and moved toIT442. The EE contributions wagetype will be removed from the permissiblewagetypes for infotype 14 defined in T512Z since EE contributions mustbe maintained in the future on 442. Output When the display protocol switch is set a detailed list of eachinfotype record will be displayed per employee. Activities Check the Company car 442 master data for a number of employees. Ensurethat the migrated data for these employees is correct and test payroll. Example |