Purpose This program supports you when you have to adjust objects afterimporting HR Support Packages (HR SPs). Since you can use the programto limit the number of objects to be adjusted to those countrygroupings and components that you actually use, this reduces theworkload for subsequent processing. We recommend that a basis administrator and an employee from the humanresources department import the HR SPs together. Also refer to note574661. Features The program lists the following objects that have been created orchanged in the HR SP:
- Documentation
- Release information
- Development objects that were not included in the Modification
Adjustment> (transaction SPAU) and the Modification Adjustmentfor the ABAP Dictionary> (transaction SPDD).
- Other objects, for example, XPRAs
For the objects that the program lists, you can perform the followingfunctions:
- If a maintenance transaction exists for an object, you can access this.
You make any changes in this maintenance transaction, not with theprogram itself.
- You can compare objects locally; this means with client 000 of the
system in which you have executed the program.
- You can compare objects remotely; this means with other systems. If
you, for example, import the HR SPs in your development system andtransfer changes per transport to the production system, you cancompare the production system and the development system.
- You can compare objects locally and change the name of the object. You
use this function, for example, in the following case: to adjust thestandard personnel calculation schema D000 to your requirements, youhave created a copy of this schema under the name $000. You now want tocompare the schema $000 with the schema D000 that has been changed inthe HR SP. So that the program RPULCP00 can compare the schemas, youmust change the name of schema D000 to $000 - only for the comparison.
- You can compare the objects remotely and change the name of the object
when doing so.
- You can display the documentation for an object.
- You can change the RFC destination for the remote comparison.
- You can display the transported table key.
Selection When you execute the program in Customizing clients, we recommend thatyou keep the selection as low as possible. For example, you should onlyselect the country groupings that you actually use in your system. Thecountry grouping 99 (Other Countries)> is always displayed. You have the following selection options:
- HRSP object list(s)>
SAP R/3 offers the last imported HR SP as a default.
- Add-On ID>
SAP R/3 offers the last imported Add-On as default.
- Country>
If an object does not have a country assignment, SAP R/3 offers thecountry grouping 99 (Other Countries) > as a default.
- Logical objects>
SAP R/3 offers a list of objects as default, for example, PCYS(Standard personnel calculation rules)>, PMKS (Standard features) >.
- RFC destination>
You can enter a different system with which the objects should becompared. For example, you can compare the development and theproduction system. When displaying objects, you can hide individual hierarchy levels. If,for example, you are not interested in knowing who is responsible forthe object, you can delete the indicator Package> in the groupbox Display as Hierarchy Level>. This hides the package displayin the object list.Output The program displays the content of the HR SP, depending on therestrictions you have set. It does not display ABAP Dictionary objectsbecause you can use the Modification Adjustment> (transactionSPAU) and the Modification Adjustment for the ABAP Dictionary>(transaction SPDD) for these objects. The list is displayed in ahierarchy with the following levels:
- Name of the HR SP object list
- Country grouping
- Package
- Object type or table class (E, C, S or G)
- Object
Activities Depending on the object type, you perform the following activities forthe objects displayed:
- Tables with delivery class C
You must compare these tables with the Customizing clients and adjustas necessary. The program RPULCP00 displays all the changes to tablesthat were delivered with the HR SP. To transfer the table entries toyour system, choose Maintain Object> to access the Table ViewMaintenance > (transaction SM30).
- Tables with delivery class S
Changes to entries in these tables are performed automatically by SAPR/3 in all clients. If you have changed the entries, you must make themodifications again after the HR SP has been imported.
- Tables with delivery class E
The HR SP only changes entries in the SAP namespace. SAP R/3 makes thechanges automatically in all clients. If you have changed entries thatare in the SAP namespace, you must make the modifications again afterthe HR SP has been imported.
- Views (logical object VDAT)
To compare and adjust change views with your system, chooseMaintain Object > to access the Table View Maintenance>(transaction SM30).
- Personnel calculation schemas (logical object PSCS)
If you have not changed any of the standard schemas, you do not have toperform any subsequent activities. Changes to the standard schemas areautomatically available in all clients. If you have created copies ofthe standard schemas, you must also compare these with the relevantstandard schemas and adjust as necessary. To do so, choose ChangeKey (local)> or Change Key (remote)> to change the name of thestandard schema to the name of your copied schema (see the "Scope ofFunction" section).
- Personnel calculation rules (logical object PCYS)
SAP R/3 overwrites the personnel calculation rules in all clients. Yourchanges to the standard personnel calculation rules will be lost whenan HR SP is imported. You must adjust copies of personnel calculationrules in the customer namespace manually in the same way as forpersonnel calculation schemas.
- Forms (logical object FORM)
SAPscript forms You only have to adjust these forms if you have made changes to thestandard forms. You can check if this is the case using programRSTXFCOM (Compare Two Forms)>. The program does not compare thetexts themselves but rather the definition of the elements, forexample, whether a line has been added or deleted. Print list forms You can compare these forms using program RPUFRM00>(Edit Forms (Copy, Delete, Compare, ...)) >. Also check the transport log for warnings about tables. If necessary,solve the problem that has led to the warning before you update theother clients.