Title Model Copier for Pension Funds Purpose This report helps you to copy the required table entries to thecustomer name space for the initial setup of a customer-specificpension fund. The procedure for a typical installation is supported, where it isassumed that the fund to be set up has its own processing schedule,parameter area determination grouping and parameter area, which is usedfor at least one PC parameter. These conditions are met, for example,if only one customer fund is to be set up. The following entities and dependent table entries are copied from themodel fund:
- Pension fund
- Processing schedule
- Parameter area determination grouping (PaGru)
- Parameter area
In line with the data model, a fund can have several parameter areas.Typically, there is one parameter area per fund, which only containsparameters for this fund. This is called a main parameter area >.Features Selection Specify the model fund, the fund to be set up, the processing plan key,the Pagru and the main parameter area in the selection screen. Output You can carry out the different steps from the report output. Thestatus display shows where further action is required. By selecting thestatus icon, you can call up the current status. The status signifies:
- green - No further action is necessary in this step.
- yellow - The action in this step can and should be completed.
- red - No action is possible in this step. The required data is missing.
In line with the above assumptions, all steps will have a "green"status when the data has been successfully copied. In exceptionalcases, (for example, if processing schedule and model fund areidentical), this is not possible.